Summer house

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every summer since before I could walk, I would go to cousins with my family. my mom's best friend's beach house is where we would spend our days, swimming and talking and basking in the sun. I've always thought of cousins as this magical place, where any and everything could happen. oh yeah, belly, my twin sister, I look up to her, she's everything I aspire to be. she's smart, pretty, kind. I'm kind but I'm closed off, if I see someone crying I would just walk away, only if it's a stranger though. I'm an introvert with extroverts, and an extrovert with introverts, and I don't know too many introverts. enough about that, I changed my look a little over this year, I started wearing more good looking clothes. Well more colorful clothes, that didn't make me looks like a hobo with access to costume changes

we finally pulled up to the beach house. I jumped out of the car and ran to hug Susannah. she was like my second mom, after all she did name me. Deli, Susannah said with brightest smile. I missed you, I replied back. she doesn't wanna be called Deli anymore, my mom said. what, why? I guess I just got tired of it. well it doesn't matter, because you'll always be my Deli. always, I said back endearingly. I go upstairs and sit my things down, I always had the best view of the pool. I could look down at night and see the reflection of the moon. Susannah was like the moon, she radiated energy, always there for me, never once let me down. I see the boys throw belly in the pool, their summer tradition. I always said hi to the boys after they dried off, that was our little tradition. not as good as belly's, sure, but at least we had something.

Susannah brings up the deb ball. so are you gonna do it? sure, what can it hurt, I have nothing better do, I say. yay. uh mom, I say sheepishly. yes? I was wondering if I could go to the bonfire tonight? what, why? I was gonna be meeting friend there. who? uhh, I say trying to think of someone's name. Ava Mitchell,
Jeremiah steps in and saves me. I introduced them last summer, remember? no, but if Jeremiah knows her, then I guess you could go. thank you, I say to my mom excitedly.

I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed, then put on my clothes

I hurriedly took a shower and got dressed, then put on my clothes

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I'm ready. you look hot, Jeremiah says. I know, I replied jokingly. he spins me around to get a better look. I was never into Jeremiah, he's cute and all just not my type. uh no, Steven said. dude you can't be serious, Jeremiah says. have you seen her shorts, Steven questions. yeah, they look good on her, he replies back to my brother. yes, exactly, boys will be there, looking at her, and you know how they think, my brother says. what if I watch her the whole night and shoo off any guy who tries to talk to her, jer asked. I guess. Jeremiah always had my back, he was nice, but he was an extrovert and I don't do well around extroverts. thank you, I said. anything for you Delia. my new nickname, I think of deli as solely a Susannah thing now.

the bonfire
I mean it, no guys. got it. I sit down next to the ocean. I was about to get a drink when a guy sat down next to me. want a beer? I don't drink, I'm 15. I'm 16, what's your point? I really don't want my brother to come over here and embarrass me, so please, for everyone's sake, get up and go talk to another girl. Steven was walking over as he left. I heard you, no guys, now go back to your girl friend. he walks away and I continue to sit by the shore. later Jeremiah came by, and asked if I was ok, I said yes and he left. a girl sat down next to me, she was pretty, she had on a yellow dress, she had brown hair and green eyes. I'm a sucker for green eyes. I'm Olivia Pennington, you can call me liv. I'm Cordelia Conklin, you can call me Delia. nice to meet you Delia. I know, I meant it's nice to meet you too. she laughs, it was pretty just like her. are you from around here? no, I live a few towns over, but I come here every summer, are you from around here? no, me and family just moved at the beginning of this year. oh, that's nice, I mean you can go to the beach everyday. yep. did you hear about the deb ball? yeah, I'm actually going to be a debutante. me too. that's nice, I'll have a familiar face to look at. I like your hair, and your dress, it's nice. it's a bit cold, but, I like it too, thanks. I gave her my jacket, it was the gentlemanly thing to do. a guy walks up. who's your friend? this is Delia, she comes here every summer. hi I'm Matt. hi. she kisses him and I knew, I knew I didn't stand a chance against him. we're gonna go, but I'll see you around? sure, I said a little embarrassed at the fact I thought she might actually like me. wait Delia, you should totally give me your number, she says. I do and she leaves. the guy who tried to give me a beer earlier came back up to me. luckily belly showed up and all attention was on her. hi, I'm Noah. I'm Delia, and I don't drink. I got you a water. I was surprised. thank you. no worries. I really would love to talk but. your brother I know, but is he cool with us just being friends? maybe. we talked for the rest of my time there, but my mind was on liv, and her smile, her sweet smile. I had always knew I liked girls, it was just something about them, they made me float off the ground. I admired every girl I saw. short or tall, thin or thick, they were beautiful. just as I was about to leave Noah kissed me, it was soft and sweet, and long, and I liked it. I thought I may as well give it a chance because liv didn't like me in that way. post kiss was very awkward, we just looked at each other in silence until I heard Jer call my name. I gotta go, I said walking backwards. what's your number? what's yours, I said trying to be mysterious. so basically I have to work for it? maybe, I'm going to be a deb, I know it's silly, but the only way you'll get my number is if you become my escort. ok. del, come on, Jer says. see you around? yeah.

in the car
so who were you talking to? just some guy, he offered me a drink. you took a drink from a stranger? it was water, lighten up. he could've done anything to it. but he didn't, so calm down, I'm smart, I know the world I live in, I was being careful. oh shit, Steven. I'll be right back, watch Conrad and belly. ok. a officer knocks on the window and asks if we've been drinking. after finding out Conrad had, and realizing who was in the backseat they drop us off home and that was the end of it.

after making sure everyone was asleep I changed into my swimsuit and went for a swim. I always swam at around four, that was the best time for me, it was the peak hour of the moon. I swam really close to it's reflection making small ripples. I may have done it everyday for 3 months for 6 years, but the feeling was still unreal. it was perfect. the sounds, the breeze to cool me off it was the perfect way to end a night.

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