Retarded Rockers.

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Creator note

I was unaware there was another M.L.N Gustav book and I will still be continuing this book but could u spread this book some more?

Thanks sincerely,Creator.

As the story goes on.

"S-so what's your..uhm..." I squeaked out,not managing to end the sentence without choking on my own words alone.

"My uhm?" She chuckled,mocking me with a warm comforting tone that did nothing but made me panic more,I wished that I could just disappear or dissolve.

"I meant what's your na-!"

"Lobby level,hope u enjoyed your stay."

We were at the lobby now.I didn't dare finish my sentence,it was too awkward. "Oh!I guess you were going to say my name!" She said childishly,brimming with cheerfulness.

"Yeah." I said silently,stepping out the elevator,my head down.

"My names Serena!" She said jumping in front of me,stopping me in my tracks now holding her hand out as a greeting.

"Nice name I guess,my names Regina." I said lowly,I always hated my name,everyone mocked me and called me "Regina Georg."

"What a beautiful name...I wish I was called Regina now!" She said,still beaming an innocent smile.

"Serena this isn't kindergarten,act your age." I heard an older,wiser womanly voice call out from behind us,it gave me the chills as I heard the thump of boots come towards us.

"Claire!" Serena squealed,running round me and out to the voice behind us,I turned round to what was happening and saw a tall woman,at least 6'1 and at least in her mid-twenties.

"Who's the new girl?" She boomed,sending chills down my spine,goosebumps rising on my skin."She's my new friend I met in the elevator!" She continued to squeal,her voice getting higher by the second.

"Well then girl,what's the name?" She demanded,she was so straightforward it was like she was an army general.

"My names Regina!" I trembled,she was so mysterious,like a black cat.

I curiously looked at her some more,she had old fashioned makeup on,deep red lipstick on with pale black and purple eyeshadow smudged on her face.

She reminiscended Bill in such a way I couldn't explain it,like he had swapped genders and personalities.

"Well then,Regina.We have to get going now,nice meeting you." She said firmly,grasping my hand and shaking it before turning away,grabbing Serena by the shoulder and walking away.I just stood there before realising I still had the Contract interview to go to.

It was four minutes until it ended,and the walk was ten minutes,I took a rather risking choice and decided to rush to Claire and Serena,who I could hear mumbling and chatting,their boots thumping at the same time.

I grabbed onto Serenas shoulder,the next second was out of the blue,as I was held in an armlock defense.I looked up at her,and she looked down to me,once realising it was me she gasped,letting me go and pulling me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry!" She kept repeating,still hugging me before picking me up like a feather,spinning me round like nothing.

"Alright alright,that's enough,what I'm questioning is why'd you follow us?"

Serena put me down silently,stepping away and giving me space.

"I need to get to the Tokyo star model interviews!" I blurted out quickly. There was now 3 minutes left and no way I was going to get there at all by now.

"Woah woah woah! Your a model!" Serena squealed again with her childishness,doing small claps like Bill did.

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