Chapter 5

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AN: OMG IT'S BEEN A WEEK, I'M SO SORRY Y'ALL 🥺🥺!! I've been super busy with personal stuff, but I've FINALLY found time to publish this. ENJOY GUYS AND I PROMISE I'M GONNA BE MORE CONSISTENT ❤️❤️!! 

1993. Kwang-Su's House.

Kwang-Su's POV

    I had just arrived back home after a busy day. I just finished putting all my things down, and suddenly I was hit with the smell of something delicious. I followed it, and saw it was coming from the kitchen. I peeked in quietly, and was met with the sight of mom making Mochi. I smiled seeing my mother looking so peaceful, and I made my presence known by saying "What are you doing mom??" She turned and saw that I had entered the room, and responded to me with "Ah son, great you're home. Come help me finish making Mochi." I nodded a yes, and joined her. I was curious about something though, so I spoke out to her with "By the way, why are you making Mochi by yourself?? Isn't it easier to just buy it at a shop??" She gave a small chuckle, and responded with "I knew you'd say that. Yes, that's true that it's easier. But do you know why I do it anyway??"

    I was intrigued, so I shook my head to say no and tell her to enlighten me. "It's because the feeling always turns out different." Mom responded. I didn't quite understand what she meant, so I gave her a confused look while saying "What do you mean??" She gave me an amused look, but answered anyway with "If we put in a lot of effort when making things, then whoever is lucky to eat it will feel it too. Cooking shouldn't always be about taste, but feeling too." Those words always stuck with me after that. I just gave a nod to tell mom I finally understood. It was then that she handed me a small bag filled with the delicious sweets. And what my mother said next froze me in my tracks. "Why don't you give some to your special someone??" I had to take a moment to process what she said, before I turned to her with a sort of shocked look. We stood in silence for a moment, as I didn't trust my voice right then. But mom then broke the silence, saying "What?? Did you think I didn't know??"

    Wow, never underestimate a mothers intuition. I just responded with "Mom, I...". She interrupted me before I could continue though, saying "It's ok son. You don't need to hesitate around me." It was admittedly a relief, and I was thankful that I could now confide in my mother. Still, I was kinda embarrassed being called out like this. "How did you find out??" I asked as I was genuinely curious. She responded with a simple "Not important. What is, is how you feel regarding this." She made a good point, and I replied with a "Well, do you think I'm abnormal because of it??" She seemed taken aback at my answer, but said to me regardless "Son, you may like things that are different from others. But that doesn't mean you aren't any more normal or different from other people. Your life is your own, and if you're happy then that's enough for me." It was like a weight was lifted off my chest hearing my beloved mother say that. So, I gave her a thankful smile in return. However, just because my mom was accepting of my beloved boyfriend didn't mean everyone else was.

    My mom reinforced that thought, as she continued her earlier statement with "Remember though sweetie, that we do still live in this society. And people can easily judge on what they see." THAT, that right there is what made me curse reality sometimes. I responded with my most confident gaze "I know mom, but I don't care what other people think. I love Min-woo, and as long as you, dad, and Mi-youn noona don't think I'm strange then that's more than enough for me." Mi-youn was my older sister by a few years, and we had a truly special sibling bond. I also meant every word, that if my family doesn't think I'm strange for liking a boy then it'd be more than enough for me. My mom gave me a smile then that spoke a thousand words, and I knew that she was 100% on my side.

    However, it was easier said than done. Dad seemed to be set in his ways, which of course broke my heart. Still, I was never gonna give up on my beloved Min-woo that easily. "I just wish dad was as open-minded as you." I found myself saying without thinking. My mom responded to that with "Some things take time son. Just be true to yourself, and one day he'll come around." We then continued with our baking, and we may or may not have made a mess after my mom pelted me with flour sparking a food fight. It was just how we had fun, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Present Day

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Present Day. Yonsei University Cooking Club Room.

Kibum's POV

    "Hello everyone, my name is Krystal. I'm the president of this cooking club. Before we get started, let's give a quick welcome to all the new members." I was at the first meeting of the cooking club, and I had to say I loved the energy so far. Krystal was the president I met when I signed up during Orientation, and she was currently giving a small speech before getting to the nitty gritty. By her side was the vice-president, which if I recall is named Kyuhyun, and a tom-boy looking girl who Krystal would introduce as Amber. They seemed like really close friends, and I enjoyed their bond. Krystal continued, saying "Alright, getting down to business we have a big job soon. If you aren't aware, our club isn't just for cooking. We provide classes to anyone outside of the school, and also work for the university when there are events. We also have stations filled with any utensils you may need for non-club hour use, just make sure you let any one of us up here know beforehand ok. But back to this big job, our club has recently gotten an order to produce 40 snack boxes. The swimming club is having their welcoming activities soon, and requested some to take while they're traveling. So are there any volunteers who'd like to help??" No one responded, so Krystal called out again with "Anyone?? Extra points and pocket money will also be given." I felt bad, so I raised my hand and offered myself to volunteer. This caused a few others to finally join me, and the rest of the meeting went by smoothly.

Later that night

    I was back at my dorm, and I had a towel over my neck having just taken a shower. I walked over to my desk, and sat down while drying off some remaining pieces of my hair. I then went to open my laptop, and saw I had a few messages. They were from Krystal, and it said that we'd be making simple sandwiches for the snack boxes I volunteered for. However, there was some leftover money to include some good side dishes. Krystal recommended something small, since the swim team would be traveling by bus. I racked my brain for a bit, trying to come up with a good idea that could withstand the bumps of the bus. I then recalled how I made Taemin that Tteokbokki, so I quickly shot him a message saying "Hey Tae, how did your clubmates like the Tteokbokki I made for you not long ago??" He responded with "Glad you asked. Everyone loved it. I'd love to see what other things you could make." Taeyeon then butt in, since I sent the message in our little group chat we made. She said "Why didn't you ask me?? My club mates liked it too." I knew she was messing with us, so that made me chuckle. I decided to humor her and ask anyway, and she said in response "It's fine. I forget my club doesn't have Minho 😏😏."

    I could smell her teasing me a mile away, so I responded with a "Hey, answer the question!! Did they really enjoy it or not??" Taeyeon responded with a proper yes that time, until Taemin joined in. "Well, well. Speaking of, check this out 😏😏." He then sent a photo of a Facebook post, which seemed to be posted from Minho's profile, of what I guessed was his hand holding the Tteokbokki skewers I just asked Taemin about. It contained the caption "Never Forget.", and I felt myself blushing hard. Luckily, I managed to compose myself and I did get some good ideas going that night. 


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