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Inside the Jacob Javits Center in downtown New York City was a Democratic Party fundraiser. Mayor Pete LaFazio and his wife Elsa were present. Also present were prominent party members such as the major donors as well as state and local party chairpersons and members of Congress, including US Senate Majority Leader Mel Harkin.

"So Pete" said Harkin, "you've seen the polls. What is your move?"

"I like Mort" said the Mayor, "but he needs to go."

"Exactly! But the question is, will you run?"

"I'll make a decision within the next few weeks."

"You need some time to think?"

"Yes. I have to check with the wife first as well."

Harkin chuckled. "Yes, it's always the wives who are the decision-makers. But seriously Pete, you've seen the polls. Mort's our albatross. We can't afford to let the Republicans win. Not this year, not next year. Think about not just your future, but the future of our party. The Republicans have overperformed in the last few election cycles, and this may be their big break. So think about it Pete. Think of your party, your future, our future. It could all change tonight, for better or for worse. But it all comes down to you."

When the Big Apple's First couple stepped out into the streets just after midnight, it was deserted, almost like an apocalypse. The temperature was just above freezing, but it was not yet snowing. The First Couple bundled up together as they stood outside the Center. Just moments later their car pulled up. The First Couple approached their car. Suddenly they heard two loud and sharp popping sounds.

Amy G. Dala was fast asleep in her apartment. Her phone rang several times. But each time she ignored it. The cold made it difficult for her be awake. Her husband Carl was a slightly heavier sleeper than she was, so he was completely undisturbed.

Finally she groggily reached for her phone and answered it. "WHAT?!" she hissed. "Is this some prank?!" After a bit more conversation, Amy hung up. She sat in her bed for a few seconds, shocked by the news. She looked at her clock. "Less than an hour before the alarm goes off" she sighed. "I guess losing that little amount of sleep is no big deal."

By the time she arrived at the NYPD precinct, the sun was already shining. She and her colleagues were gathered on the main level of the building, where the main offices were located. Today every office was deserted as every gathered in the main hall. Also present were members of the FBI, the State Attorney's office, the US Attorney's office, and the New York State Police. The NYPD Commissioner gave the opening statement.

"Morning ladies and gentlemen, I wish I could say good morning to you all, but if you know why you've been called here, you'd understand. A lot of you have had your phones buzz over some recent news that our Mayor Pete LaFazio and his wife Elsa were shot last night just outside of Broadway. There have been conflicting reports spread online about who survived and who did not. Let me reassure you all by giving you a proper account.

"Last night, at around 9, the Mayor and First Lady went to the Jacob Javits Center. At around 10 they exited the Center and walked down the street towards their parked car. As they crossed the street, a gunman opened fire upon them. The First Couple was shot. They were taken to hospital. The Mayor was pronounced dead upon arrival. The First Lady has survived but is still in the hospital as of an hour ago. No one has yet been charged with the crime, but we have put out hotlines for any leads. We are waiting for the ballistics report and the autopsy.

"As for what happens now, all agencies at present will be working together to solve this case. As to our own department, I am appointing Detective Amy G. Dala to head the investigation. Based on her history, I believe she is the best for this job. Report all leads to her. Thank you."

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