You Were Right About Me

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The Death Star was mess of people. Imperials ran around the station desperately looking for a ship to get them out as the imminent destruction creeped closer. An alarm blared over the speakers, fueling everyone's anxiety and panic. Leia struggled to carry her injured father. She'd wrapped his arm around her shoulders and shuffled to the hanger. She was amazed they'd even been able to get out of the throne room. She could still feel her body fizzing from the Emperor's lightning strikes. But she was more worried about her father. His wheezing breathing sending terror through her body. She refused to have saved her father only to lose him again. Leia stumbled as she pulled her father along. Suddenly she tripped over her own feet sending the pair tumbling to the ground. Leia popped back up instantly. Relief flooded her system as she caught sight of the shuttle they'd arrived in. Luckily no one had had the mind to take off with it yet. Leia shifted around and grabbed her father's lone arm and his. cybernetic stub and dragged him towards the ship. As they made it finally, she propped him up on the runway and let herself kneel down to catch her breath. "Leia, help me take this mask off." Anakin said, his voice sounding strained. Leia looked up at him surprised. "But you'll die." Leia reminded him. "Nothing can stop that now." He said sadly. A deep wheeze separated every word. "Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes." Anakin pleaded. Leia gave a short nod as she reached for the helmet. She was unsure of how everything worked but somehow she managed to remove it, coming face to face with the true face of Anakin Skywalker. Leia couldn't help the soft gasp of shock that left her. His skin was pale and covered in scars and wrinkles. His features looked almost sunken into his skull. No hair covered is face and his head looked almost misshapen. But his eyes, they were a brilliant sky blue. They were the same eyes she saw every time she looked at Luke. Anakin's eyes even carrying that same spark as her brother's. Anakin smiled up at his daughter. Her face nearly identical to his beloved angel Padme. The two stared at each other in silence, drinking in every feature on the other's face. "Now, go my daughter. Leave me." Anakin said somberly. Leia shook her head in defiance. "No! You're coming with me! I'll not leave you here! I've got to save you!" She cried. She could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. "You already have, Leia." Anakin said softly. Leia could feel her heart cracking. She'd finally heard her father's voice say her name but the feeling was so bittersweet. "You were right. You were right about me." Anakin said, his voice shaking. Leia bit down on her lip, desperately holding back tears. "Tell your brother, you were right." Anakin said, voice trailing off into a whisper. Leia chest constricted as her father mentioned her brother. She'd wanted so desperately for Luke to meet their father and now that seemed even more impossible. Anakin gave his daughter one last smile before letting his blue eyes slip closed. "Father!" Leia pleaded desperately, hoping his eyes would open once more. Anakin's features relaxed, looking so peaceful. His body began to fall slowly back onto the runway. "I won't leave you!" Leia sobbed. A long sigh left Anakin as his body finally laid back fully and he became one with the force. The tears Leia had been holding in, sprung free as she felt the connection she'd developed with her father wither away. Leia hung her head as tears cascaded down her cheeks. She sat for a moment allowing herself to grief, only standing when the shaking of the station reminded her of the danger she was still in

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