Chapter 3: The Sole Path Forward

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Ryle snuck a glance back at the group he and Nim had left behind -- the old man, who must've been 'Gramps,' Ryle realized in retrospect, was chattering away with the strange girl and Marie, every so often raising his arms and bamboo cane to the sky in an explosion of delight or letting out a hearty laugh so loud Ryle could hear it from yards away. The whole station probably could, really.

Marie caught his gaze, her grin flickering as she raised both eyebrows as if to ask, "Everything okay?" Ryle could only offer a tiny, worried smile and a little shrug in return, turning his attention back towards the solemn Inkling standing before him. Rarely, if ever, had he seen Nim so despondent...he'd have liked nothing more than to take the pale hands shoved in the pockets of Nim's hoodie, to lift his fingers to his partner's chin and direct his downcast gaze to meet his own hopeful one. But would they help alleviate what was weighing on Nim's mind or only make it that much more painful? The thought that he didn't know was terrifying.

"So, um...w-what's this about?" He squeaked, trying and failing to hide the tremors in his voice. Nim drew in a heavy breath, finally working up the courage to pull his eyes away from the floor and aim them at Ryle's. The opposing orbs that had been glittering with mirth and affection not minutes before were now clouded with regret, and that only served to frighten Ryle even more.

"Ryle..." He stepped closer, so they were only inches apart. An unbearably tense silence permeated the air between them. Nim gritted his teeth, choosing his words carefully. "I-I...we should...

We need to break up."

Time seemed to freeze all around the petite Inkling. His hearts plummeted into nothingness all at once, followed by any thoughts that had been forming in his mind. After all that...why would he want

"Break up? But...but I thought..." Nim bit his lip, watching Ryle's ears droop and his tentacles dim their golden glow. "But you looked so happy, just now... Why would...?"

"I promise it's not you, Ryle, it''s..."



"WHO?!" He exploded, shoving Nim away with more force than either of them had ever expected out of him. He stared his shocked partner down with fierce, rapidly tearing eyes, panting hard. "Who made you want to leave me?! Who did you find that's...that's better? Did you find someone else down...wherever you've been? Is that it? Did you disappear for two years just so that you could cheat on me?"

"NO! Cods, Ryle, that's not at all what-"

"Then tell me, Nim! If it's not me, then-"

"It's ME, Ryle!" Nim screamed, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks as well. "LOOK at me! At this!" He leaned forward and aimed a finger at his warped, damaged eye and the scar around it so Ryle could see how they glowed -- how they pulsed and twitched as if they were alive. So Ryle could see his own teary reflection in the pure tar black surrounding the iris. " this what you want to spend the rest of your life with?" He pulled back, wiping his eyes with his sleeve. "Look at me. I don't belong here. What would people think about you if they saw you holding hands with...if they saw you kissing...someone who looks like a monster? Who will always look like a monster?"

"This is about how you look? You should know me well enough to know I don't give a carp about how you...wait...'always'? can't change your ink color from that green?" Ryle stammered, the anger coursing through him slowly giving way to dreadful realization. Nim slowly, solemnly nodded his head.

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