Round 7 - Brown Belt Entry - Surprise!

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I sat on the sofa, hand caressing my rounded stomach as the baby decided to get into a comfortable position and give me a kick in the ribs for good measure. I sucked in a sharp breath as I lifted myself up, trying to ease the stinging sensation radiating my side. Leo was quick to poke his head around the door frame, his face showing worry as it always did any time I made a peep or breathed. The final few weeks of this pregnancy were here and Leo knew this meant the baby could be born at any time. It was cute to see him acting this way, as his job and his work persona were the complete opposite to this. He was the leader of a gang that had been owned by his father and his father before him. Luckily when Leo and his four friends came into the restaurant I worked in looking for my boss, I actually had a good experience with them. I think I was one of very few people that came out of it with something good.

"Everything okay, babe?" He called out, keeping an eye on me to make sure I wasn't in more pain.

"I'm fine, Leo. The baby just kicked my ribs." I soothed his mind, offering him a big, bright smile as I rested back into the chair. Today was a huge day for Leo and his gang. They were doing a big assignment, one that would give everyone enough money to lay low for a while. The pressure was intense and I could see Leo getting more anxious as the days counted down. He wanted to do well for his team, for himself, for us. The owner of the hottest clubs across the country took out a loan with Leo to buy some new DJ equipment a while ago and hadn't paid them back. They'd visited him a few times but he kept making excuses as to why he couldn't pay. The interest had grown exponentially and now it was time for Leo to take back what was owed, millions of pounds. Leo walked out of the room dressed in a black tuxedo and straightened his tie. I could feel the nerves emanating from his body from across the room but as soon as he fixed it his collar and sorted his cufflinks, it was as if all the nerves melted away. The careless persona had arrived.

"As long as you are alright." He smiled, walking over and perching next to me on the sofa. He put his hand on my thigh and gave it a little squeeze. He knew I was nervous, this was the biggest job he had done for a while and it wasn't coming without it's dangers. This club owner knew people, and had guards that looked after him too - things most rich people need to do to keep safe. I trusted Leo and his team more than anything else in the world, and normally I was confident that everything would go perfectly, but today the feelings were mixed. Now we had a baby on the way and a house to look after, I needed him back safe and unhurt. My mind began to spiral into negativity, what happened if he ended up in a coma or worse? How would I handle bringing a baby up alone? Okay I knew I wouldn't be alone, Leo had already agreed that with his second in command and best friend Tai. The whole team - Tai, Bobby, Jay and Ash - were my family and they were to look after and support me if anything happened but that wasn't the point, I needed Leo to be okay, I needed him to be beside me.
Leo's hand waving in my face brought me back into reality.

"Sophia? Did you hear me?" I offered him an awkward, sorry smile. "I said I'm leaving Tai with you." My eyebrows furrowed and a look of disgust crossed my face.

"No way." I was almost insulted.

"Wha- why?" He snapped. I was used to this though, as soon as the persona had been switched on he became very blunt.

"Because I want you back safe!" It was my turn to snap. My hands wrapped around my bump to prove my point. "I don't need a babysitter, Leo. I'm staying in the house in my pyjamas, I'm going to eat pizza and ice cream and I'm going to binge-watch a show. Tai is your second in command, I trust him with everything. I want him there with you, protecting you. I want all five of you to come back unharmed. If anything were to happen to any of you..." Tears began to fill my eyes and for a second his careless persona faltered. He squeezed my thigh once more.

"Okay fine. I'll call him now, tell him he's coming with me. I'm sure he'll be happier in the action anyway." Leo said and swiftly got to his feet, walking out of earshot to make the call. I wiped at my eyes furiously and took some deep breaths to calm myself down. Get it together Sophia. The baby doesn't need this stress.

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