Chapter 3

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Chara's POV

As Mom bravely stood her ground, facing Flowey with fierce determination, a mixture of emotions surged through me. Relief washed over me as I witnessed My Mother's strength and presence, but anxiety gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. I had no physical form, yet I felt the human's heart pounding in sync with mine.

"Fear not, my child," she reassured the human.

Making my Ethereal heart flutter with joy.

But there was little time to ponder on these feelings as Flowey launched another attack. His vines lashed out with terrifying speed, seeking to ensnare Mom. With lightning reflexes, she dodged the incoming strikes, her graceful movements a testament to her skill and experience.

Instinctively, the human mirrored Toriel's evasive maneuvers, his body moving as if guided by an unseen force. It was as if a part of him knew exactly what to do as if some dormant knowledge had been awakened within him.

"Come on, Flowey! Is that all you've got?" the human taunted, his voice a mix of bravado and determination, "You're going to have to try harder if you want to kill us!"

Flowey's rage seemed to intensify with every taunt. His vines surged forward, "WATCH OUT!!" I yell but Mom's fire magic created a protective barrier that shielded both of them from harm. Making me relax ever so slightly

Why am I so worried about A Human?

"You humans are so predictable," Flowey sneered, but his arrogance masked a flicker of uncertainty.

The human's eyes gleamed with defiance as he met Flowey's gaze. "We may be predictable, but at least we have the balls to cut down to weeds like you!"

As the battle continued, I could feel the strength of the humans bond with Mom growing. They fought as a team, each one supporting the other in this daunting encounter. Together, they stood against Flowey's malevolence, a human and a monster united by a shared purpose.


Toriel's wisdom and experience guided me, while my resilience and determination inspired her. It was a powerful synergy that left Flowey bewildered and desperate.

With each dodge, each attack, my confidence grew. I pushed back against Flowey's onslaught, my courage unwavering even in the face of danger.

"You're nothing more than a cowardly weed!" I taunted, my voice echoing with a newfound strength. "You can't defeat us!"

Flowey's facade of superiority crumbled, and panic flashed in his eyes. He launched one final, desperate attack, but this time, it was met with a torrent of fire from Toriel, overpowering his vines.

"You should leave while you still can," Toriel warned, her voice firm and resolute.

With a defeated glare, Flowey retreated, vanishing into the shadows of the underground.

With Flowey gone, a sense of relief washed over me, and I took a moment to catch my breath. Toriel's presence beside me was reassuring, and I couldn't help but feel grateful for her guidance and protection.

"Thank you, Toriel," I said, my voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

She smiled warmly, a twinkle of pride in her eyes. "You showed great bravery out there, my child. I am proud to have fought alongside you."

"But may I ask of your name?"Toriel asks Politely

"Oh! Well the Flower gave me a weird name like 'Seed' or something"

"Well, Certainly not a Name that befits you now does it?" Toriel Ponders for a few seconds then lights up at a name "How About we call you Y/N?"

"Alright Y/N it is then!"

Chara's POV

Just as I and Y/N leave Mom's House further into the depths of the underground, a growing urge compelled me to try once more to make my presence known to Y/N. Despite my limitations as a ghost, I couldn't resist the desire to connect with this human who had awakened something within me.

I gathered my courage, hoping that this time, Y/N would hear my faint whispers. As they walked, I focused my thoughts, trying to reach out to them in the only way I could.

"Y/N..." I called out softly, my voice tinged with uncertainty.

For a moment, it seemed like my efforts were in vain, and I felt a pang of disappointment. But then, Y/N stopped in their tracks, as if they had heard something.

"Hello? Who's out there?" they asked, their voice a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

My heart raced with both excitement and trepidation. This was my chance, and I had to make it count.

"I'm Chara," I replied, my incorporeal form hovering closer to them. "I've been watching over you since you fell into the underground."

Y/N's eyes widened, and I could sense their astonishment. "Chara? I... I can't see you, but I can hear your voice. How is this possible?"

I hesitated, unsure of how to explain the complexities of our connection. "I'm a ghost, bound to the underground. My existence is different from yours, but somehow, I feel connected to you, possibly through your determination."

Y/N rubs his hand on his neck "It'd probably be better if I could see you" Y/N says with another emotion I haven't felt in so long...


"Indeed it would" I replied softly, "but for now, I'll be your unseen companion, watching over you as you journey through the underground."

Y/N extended a hand, as if trying to touch me, and though they couldn't feel my presence, the gesture warmed my incorporeal heart. "It's nice to meet you, Chara, even if it's in this strange way."

"It's nice to meet you too, Y/N," I said, grateful for this unique connection we shared.

I felt a newfound sense of purpose. Y/N might not have been able to see me, but they had acknowledged my existence and warmly welcomed me as his friend.

Though I started to worry.

"Y/N, be cautious," I whispered, hoping they would somehow hear my silent plea. "There are more challenges ahead, and not everyone here can be trusted."

"I know Chara," Y/N says hearing my warning "So lets go."


Heya! Am I welcome back Yet? No? Well TOO BAD Cuz I'm the one writing this book not you

Anyway, You and Chara finally met :) 

Also sorry not sorry for making the last bits sound like the start of an adventure Anime

I'm thinkin the next will be a short one because you and Chara (well mainly you cuz no one else can see or hear Chara) will meet someone that has a bone to pick with you (sorry it was just a real rib-tickler  ha) anyways nothing else Cya!!

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