Chapter 19: A Desperate Plan

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As we contemplated our next move, my mind was racing with a daring plan. The conversation about the human souls had ignited an idea—one that could potentially change everything. I was determined to find a way to free the monsters from the Underground without any more sacrifices.

Shade's voice echoed in my mind, a constant presence offering guidance and skepticism. Chara, too, had concerns about my intentions. But I had a plan, and it was time to share it with the others.

I turned to Asgore, Toriel, Chara, and the rest of our group, determination burning in my eyes. "I have an idea, but it's risky. We can't afford to lose anyone else, but we also can't stay trapped down here forever."

Asgore and Toriel exchanged worried glances but nodded for me to continue.

"We have the human souls," I said, looking at the containers holding those precious souls. "What if I volunteer to try and absorb the souls? I've got a small bit of shadow being within me that can destroy a universe. Maybe I can handle the power."

Chara's eyes widened with realization, and a spark of hope lit up her expression. "You mean... using your unique abilities to absorb the human souls and break the barrier?"

I nodded. "Exactly. It's a gamble, but it's a better option than any other we've considered. No one else needs to be put in danger. We can all make it out of here."

Shade chimed in, sounding surprisingly supportive. 'Well, kid, you've got some crazy abilities in that noggin of yours. It's a hell of a risk, but it just might work.'

Chara then speaks her mind, "Y/N... We don't know if this could work or not, given you are still human, it could kill you." I then gently grab her chin to look up at me, surprising both Toriel and Asgore. I realize that we haven't told them we are dating, "It will be fine, Chara. How many times have I almost died? How many times could I have been corrupted? This is just another little obstacle."

She diverts her eyes, "But they could have been flukes, I don't want to lose you."

Then, surprising everyone in the room, Asgore, Toriel, and even Chara, I put a small, gentle but forceful kiss on her lips, "You won't lose me. Sure, I could lose a part of me, but that's only a part."

With those words, I run towards the chamber where the Human Souls are being held, my heart pounding with determination and hope, as I hear Chara shout, "Y/N! DON'T!"

As I ran through the halls toward the room containing the Human Souls, I reached out to Shade in my thoughts, 'Hey, is Data there?' Shade remained silent for a moment before replying, 'Yeah, here's the little dude.'

Before I could respond, I heard a monotone voice in my mind, 'What do you want? I was sleeping.' Ignoring his emotionless annoyance, I thought back, 'Hey Data, what's the chance of me surviving when I absorb the Souls?' There was silence for a moment before he replied, '12.62846%.' I groaned at the low number and continued running, determination pushing me forward.

I entered the room, my heart pounding with anticipation. The Human Souls were held in separate chambers, their ethereal glow casting an otherworldly light. My gaze then fell upon a larger chamber, its purpose clear. This was where someone would go to absorb the souls.

I approached the controls, a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through me. Without hesitation, I began pressing buttons, a series of complex commands that I hoped would initiate the process. The massive chamber door slowly swung open, revealing the intricate machinery inside.

An AI-like voice filled the room, stating, "Preparing merging phase." The words hung in the air, and as I stepped into the chamber, a blindingly bright light enveloped me. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever experienced, a mix of power and vulnerability, hope and fear, all converging in this pivotal moment.


Yo! sorry its short but i promise that the next one will be longer!!

Also Zenith has finally accepted the early relationship arc thingie!!

Build a shrine for him or something

also if you havent done so then please join my discord server! it free, friendly and accepts everyone! so here is tha link

the links also in my bio on my profile so checkitout!


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