Chapter 14: A Stage Set for Conflict

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Chara POV

As Y/N and Mettaton stood facing each other beneath the stage, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. The audience above remained blissfully unaware of the intense encounter happening beneath their feet. I watched closely, silently offering my support to Y/N.

Mettaton's resplendent Genesis Form was a stark contrast to the dimly lit room, his metallic exterior reflecting the remaining rays of spotlight. He struck a pose and addressed Y/N with an air of flamboyance.

"Now, darling, are you ready for your close-up?" Mettaton cooed, striking a series of dramatic poses. "Let's give the audience a show they won't soon forget!"

Y/N's expression remained steadfast as he waited for the inevitable. Mettaton had proven himself to be a formidable opponent in the past, and Y/N wasn't underestimating him. I knew that this battle would require both strategy and determination, especially with the audience's expectations hanging overhead.

Mettaton, a master of showmanship, reveled in the dramatic tension. He continued to tease and taunt Y/N, knowing that the true battle was only moments away. But beneath the façade, I could sense a genuine excitement in Mettaton's artificial heart.

Mettaton's sleek, Genesis Form crackled with energy, hinting at the formidable power it possessed. Y/N maintained a steely resolve, his midnight black eyes unwavering as he assessed the situation.

The exchange of words continued, laced with the drama and flair that was Mettaton's signature style. It was clear that the robotic entertainer reveled in the spotlight, even in a potential battle. Despite the tension, there was an undeniable showmanship that couldn't be ignored.

As the anticipation grew, Y/N's composure remained intact. He had demonstrated exceptional control over his newfound power, but the circumstances were different now. The audience above eagerly awaited the "Grand Finale" promised by Mettaton, unaware of the true nature of the impending showdown.

I, on the other hand, couldn't shake my growing concern. The events leading up to this moment had been fraught with danger, and I didn't want to see anyone hurt, especially not Y/N. His unique connection to me, and the mysterious hidden power within him, were factors that made his involvement in this confrontation even more uncertain.

Mettaton and Y/N stood there, the audience above oblivious to the brewing conflict. How would this battle unfold, and could it be resolved without further harm or danger to those involved? My ethereal form braced for whatever was to come, ready to assist Y/N in any way I could to ensure the safety of all parties.

Then Y/N turned to me and smiled that eerie smile I'd seen before.

"Remember, girlie, it's kill or be killed in this world, and I'm going to make sure that this kid gets as much LOVE as I can," he said.

Those words sent chills down my spine. It was becoming clear that the person in control wasn't Y/N. The smile he gave me looked too much like Flowey's, but it seemed like this smile had a reason to smile that way.

Y/N, or should I say the person controlling his body, turned back to Mettaton. He swiped his hand to the side, sending Mettaton flying from the tentacle that had just hit him. The robotic starlet crashed against the stage, parts scattering. A shocked silence fell over the audience as they watched the sudden change in events.

It was a stark reminder of the danger that lurked within Y/N, or whatever force now possessed him. This entity seemed intent on causing chaos and destruction in the Underground, and I couldn't help but fear what might come next.

The entity controlling Y/N turned towards the audience and said, "Boo," making them all terrified and running for their lives. It then chuckled and said, "Oh how I love it when they scatter and run."

Chara X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now