"There is no hope, only screams of humanity." That was a fallen Black Armory knight's last breath to the Solar System. No resurrections this time. Centuries ago, humans were living in times of peace and prosperity. They learned to cooperate, contribute, prosper, and, most importantly, care. They've tried to fight several afflictions that troubled the earth and its people, but the repairs were never enough. The shortages and the environment, all was too late for them to start caring. People were tired of the dying nature that is killing the earth's roots. "One day, we'll reach out in the Solar System and beyond and grasp its full potential." said a dreamer.
Simultaneously, a group of scientists from NASA was putting their finishing touches on the new project shuttle. It was called "Project New Horizons". They were ready to set their feet on planet Mars for the first time in history. It was an exciting time for the world. From counting down the launch of the shuttle to the raging burst of fire from the thruster, they had one goal in mind and one goal only, building a new beginning. Zooming into the outer world at full speed, emerging like a shooting star with an aim, with the astronauts looking at the wondrous yet empty space. They set course to the alienated planet, and surpassed into the atmosphere, and at last, opened the shuttle door, barging in a mild breeze of "Martian air". The astronauts could not believe what they were seeing, eyes gazing at the reddish rocky grounds of an unfamiliar land. The researchers were getting shivering chills down their spine from all the excitement. "Tell me, Harper. What do you see now?" asked one of the associates with eagerness to know. "A new hope," replied Harper with a big grin and a happy chuckle afterward. They grabbed their assault rifles, chambered and reloaded, and headed forth to the east. They wandered day and night, walking through the misty dust of the land in complete silence. They scaled through the martian mountains and walked through its slippery rocks, the mist growing stronger.
Upon climbing up to the top of the mountains and the mists had cleared up, they witnessed something they never expected to see in a million years. Not an alien civilization, but a far more bizarre sight. A city-sized white sphere that looked similar to a moon, but smoother. "I have never seen a moon orbiting a planet this close in my life." said one of the associates with complete astonishment. "No... Something feels strange about that structure." Harper continued forward on his own in complete silence, curiously looking at the strange orbiting body. As they had arrived towards the structure, the team was astonished at the details of this body. Gray pulses flowing through it, similar to that of veins in a human body. Some parts of the body seemed to hover over its surface; some others were orbiting horizontally around it, and gray clouds swirling from above the structure. Harper curiously, however slowly, reached his hand onto the body. Upon touching it, its gray veiny pulses started to shine brighter, and the body spoke. "A new hand touches the connection. What is it that you need, ambitious traveler?" Spoke the Body with a light echoic voice. The three scientists stepped back with shock and surprise, looking at one another with a priceless look. Harper took one step forward and began to confess. "We are here to seek for new hope. Life on Earth has become unbearable and we are trying to find new horizons for our people."
"Your planet, Earth.. it is dying rapidly. Building a new life from the clouds of dust of Mars will take centuries to accomplish. Your race, however, has great potential for their future. I can see it, feel it as well. For that, I shall revive your civilization."
They called it the traveler, and its arrival to Earth changed everything forever. It sparked a Golden Age of humanity. It was a phenomenal opportunity for humans to start migrating to other planets and colonize them. Passing her knowledge to us had achieved wondrous foundations. Great cities were built on Mars and Venus. Mercury became a garden world for all sources of plantation. Human lifespan tripled. It was a time of miracles, all thanks to the great Traveler. They stared out to the galaxy and knew that it was their destiny to walk in the lights of other stars, but the Traveler had an enemy. A shadow of evil, which had hunted it for eons across the black gulf of the Solar System, called the Reef. Centuries after our Golden age began, the Darkness found us, and that was the end of everything. But it is also the beginning.
Years later, civilization awoke from the Cataclysmic disaster that they, later on, called it "The Collapse". However, the Traveler remained unawake, deactivated, possibly from the intervention of the Darkness, as it hovered above Earth's surface in absolute silence and dormant. The Traveler's pure light helped in evading from the Darkness' shadows. It was safe to say that the Traveler was able to endure and shield a city that she was floating above from the reeks of Darkness. It was called "The City'': the last bastion for mankind and civilization. Mankind came together to build The City underneath the Traveler because she provides shelter of light for those who live underneath her.
But this story is not about war. It is about something much more... personal.
Agent of The Nine
Science Fiction"A man, turned monster, in the distant lands of Jupiter partook in a long and painful journey to send a crucial message to the divine sphere that serves the last bastion of human civilization. However, this story goes much deeper than just a mere co...