The beginning

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Harry's POV

I "did you hear about the new girl that is coming to Hogwarts" Hermione "No and why is she coming half way through the year that just sounds stupid " I " maybe so I don't know , maybe you'll be friends with her you haven't even met her and your already judging" Hermione "ok , your right"

Megan's POV

I was really nervous to go to Hogwarts but also excited it was weird that I was going half way through the year but I'm sure I'll be fine (right)

Megan's dad "you'll be fine Megan calm down "

I heard my dad telling me I would be fine but it was still nerve-racking

I "yea I know"

Megan's POV

We had just arrived I said my last good byes to my dad
I "goodbye dad" Megan's dad "goodbye Megan"

I walked in and I heard dumbledore announce my name professor McGonagall told me to walk down the hall
As I walking past I could hear people talking

?1 "Who's is that" ?2 "How am I supposed to know she just got here jackass" ?1 "ohh, yeah my bad" ?3 "can you two shut up" ?1,2 "sorry"

I didn't know who it was cause I kept my head down but It sounded like it was to my left and the Slytherin were to my left so it must have been one of the Slytherin's

At the end of the hall by dumbledore I sat down and dumbledore placed the sorting hat on my head

Sorting hat "hmm difficult choice... Actually no it isn't Slytherin"
I "OMG,I'm a Slytherin I don't know if I should be excited or scared to be honest I'm more excited"

I walked past the gryffindor table and I heard someone speak

?1 "I thought she would get gryffindor" ?2 "I told you so Harry I knew she was gonna be trouble" ?1 "I guess you were right Hermione"

Well now I knew who they were Harry and Hermione I didn't know who the last guy they were with was but it didn't matter"

Harry "Hermione she's behind you shut up" Hermione "ohh shit"

I shot them a sarcastic grin and walked away
I went over to my well not mine but the Slytherin table a girl waved me over

?1 "Hey, new girl sit with me" Megan "I sat beside her"
She introduced herself as pansy

Pansy "I'm pansy and these idiots are Mattheo, Draco, tom, Theodore, Blaise and Lorenzo" Megan "Hi, nice to meet all I'm Megan"
Mattheo "Hi, Megan and pansy we aren't idiots"
Pansy "ye sure ok then"

I didn't say anything but OMG
Were they hot but at the same time the way they were staring at me kinda freaked me out so I just talked to pansy the rest of the day but they did keep whispering between eachother

Pansy "So Megan there is a tiny problem" Megan "ohh, really and what is that"
Theodore "you gotta sleep with us in the dorm"
Megan "ohh" pansy "yea that"
Megan "well that will be interesting" Mattheo "what is that supposed to mean" Megan "do what you will with that information" Tom " okkkkk, then"

Great so they are freaking me out and now I have to share a dorm with them why couldn't I share with Pansy but then my thoughts where interrupted by Pansy

Pansy "By the way you don't share with all of them you just share with Tom, Mattheo and Theodore I share with Blaise, Lorenzo and Draco"
Megan "ok"

Well I guess at least I'm not sharing with all off them.
At about six o'clock me and Pansy left the dinning hall the boy's left to the common room not long ago me and Pansy were just wandering around the halls when I saw the year book

Megan "wait, Pansy Mattheo and Tom are brothers"
Pansy "yeah, sorry forgot to mention that soooo do you like any of the guys"
Megan "PANSY" Pansy "what"
Megan "i only just joined"
Pansy "so no crush" Megan "not yet keyword yet"
Pansy "uhhhhh" Megan "ok, shut up now let's go to the common room" Pansy "ok"

We started to walk over to the the Slytherin common we heard a distant sceam screaming Pansy
We turned around and pansy said

Pansy "Cedric" she said it in such a sarcastic tone
Cedric "who's the new chic"
Pansy "Cedric" Cedric "what"
Pansy "ask your self" Cedric "ohh hi" Megan "Hi" I said very akwardly Megan "we are heading back to the common room is there something I can help you with" Cedric "no I just wanted to introduce myself" Megan "well I'm Megan and you're Cedric" Cedric "yea, nice meeting you you"
Megan "yeah you too" pansy "well hate to interrupt this but we have to go get Megan stuff" Cedric "right sorry bye" Pansy & Megan "bye"

Me and Pansy went downstairs to get my stuff then went to the Slytherin common room as soon as we entered the common room we were meet with six angry guy's staring at us

Tom "were the fuck have you girls been" Megan "why do you care" Mattheo "because you're supposed to be back at seven o'clock and its half past"
Pansy "we ran into Cedric"
Draco "that fucking dweeb"
Megan "Draco calm down jeez"

We all went to the dorms I left with Mattheo, tom and Theodore

Megan "ehh, guy's why is there only three beds"
Mattheo "the last guy broke the fourth bed were still waiting for the bed we ordered like a week ago so it should be here soon"
Theodore "so for now who you want to share with"
Tom "wanna share with me"
Megan "over my dead body I'd rather sleep on the floor"

om "I'll just pretend you didn't say that anyone would die to sleep with me"
Megan "yeah ok sure tom"

So I grabbed the pillow and blanket out of Tom's hand and laid right there in the middle of the floor

Mattheo "I have never met anyone so stupid"
Megan "I have there standing right Infront of me"
Tom "I mean she isn't lying bro"
Mattheo "your supposed to stick up for me"
Tom "sorry"

When Mattheo looked over to say something to me I was fast asleep

Author's note.
Megan's POV ______________________________

I know this might not be very good this is my first story and I'm still quite young so no hate yeah that's all if you did enjoy it I'm glad

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