The first

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Megan's POV

At about 6 am the next morning I woke up my back hurt so bad from sleeping on the floor and regretting not sleeping in the bed with Tom

I started to tip toe out the dorm room it wasn't hard though cause I always walk on my tip toe I didn't know why it was just a habit I had since I was a toddler.
just as I was like 2 ft away from the door I hear Theodore

Theodore "what are you doing"
Megan "going to the bathroom"
Theodore "at 6am"
Megan "yeah"
Theodore "ok wait for me and I'll show you where it is or where you're just gonna wander around"
Megan "no I guess not ok I'll wait for you"

Theodore started to walk away so I followed them thinking he was going to the bathroom but he turned around and said

Theodore "why are you following me"
Megan "I thought you were taking me to the bathroom"
Theodore "not yet I need a fag (cigarette) first "
Megan "ohh, ok"
Theodore "you can still come if you want"

I decided to go with Theodore and we went to the balcony.
I decided to be a bitch and grab his cigarette

Theodore "Megan give me my cigarette back"
Megan "Make me"
Theodore "don't tease me"
Megan "ohh, scary"

As if I weighed less than a feather he pushed me up against the wall.
His chest was touching me not gonna lie it kinda gave me butterflies I could barely talk

Theodore "so you gonna give it back now"
Megan ""
Theodore "why are you strutting" then we just had this evil grin
Megan "I'm not what are you talking about"
Theodore "you know you don't really look like you would smoke"
Megan "that's cause I don't"
Theodore "so you just took it to piss me off"
Megan "omg you are smart"
Theodore "god your such a tease"
Megan "by the way I kinda dropped your cigarette and stood on it"
Theodore "are you kidding "
Megan "do I look like I am"

He then moved off me and I couldn't help feel disappointed he lit another cigarette he wasn't mad though it kinda looked like he was happy I tried to keep a conversation going

Megan "soo umm"
Theodore "what"
Megan "I don't know I just wanted to keep a conversation going "
Theodore "ohh ok well anything you wanted to know"
Megan "do you have any nicknames "
Theodore "yeah all the boys call me Theo what about you "
Megan "my close family call me megs"
Theodore " that's interesting"
Megan "yeah I guess"

Theodore had finished his cigarette and he headed towards the bathroom when we got there he stayed outside while I had a shower when I came out we went back to our dorm room and Mattheo and Tom were now awake

Mattheo "where have you two been"
Megan "omg are guys always this nosey"
Tom "what do you mean"
Megan "why do you have to know where I have been"
Mattheo " it's a scary place out there"
Megan "possessive much"
Mattheo "you have no idea so anyway where were you"
Megan "my lips are sealed"
Theodore "well since your an idiot and can't tell we were at the bathroom she went in the shower"

They were trying to whisper but I heard them

Mattheo "did you get to see"
Theo "what do you think jackass"
Mattheo "yes"
Theo "no"
Megan "Mattheo what the fuck"
Mattheo "you weren't supposed to hear that"
Tom "well you weren't very quite"
Megan "exactly, well anyway I'm going to pretend I didn't hear you say that and go to class"
Mattheo, Theo and Tom "ok"

I got dressed in my Slytherin rope and walked to class I was kinda traumatized after this morning but I pushed the thoughts out of my head I entered my class and sat down we were in charms class.

A guy sat down and recognised him straight away it was that guy that was sat next to that bitch Hermione

?1 "hi"
Megan "I'm sorry who are you"
Ron "sorry I'm Ron Weasley "
Megan "ok and how can I help you"
Ron "you are sitting in our seats"
Megan "I'm sorry I don't see your name on it therefore it isn't your seat"

I could hear all the Slytherin boys laughing

Megan "why are you still standing here"
Hermione "you want to fight"
Megan "you wanna die"
Hermione "......"
Megan "yeah didn't think so get out off here

And just like that she left I couldn't help but laugh then mister Cedric sat down beside me

Cedric "hi"
Megan "hi"
Cedric "did you get a A in charms class"
Megan "I don't know why"
Cedric "because you have charmed me"
Draco "hey dweep get out of here"
Megan "I can stick up for myself Draco"
Draco "okay"
Megan "ok then go"

Finally after six hours we were in the dinning hall I sat beside Pansy

Mattheo "so how was your first day" then he just started laughing
Megan "Mattheo shut the fuck up"
Mattheo "someone is in a bad mood"
Megan "Mattheo I will fight you"
Mattheo "let's not talk about class anymore"
Megan "yeah good idea"

After that we all started to walk back to the common room Mattheo, Theo, Tom and I went into the dorm I was doing homework I didn't know where they went

Theodore's POV

Megan was doing homework we were having a meeting that no-one was supposed to hear we thought Megan doing homework so we thought we were safe .

Megan's POV

I could hear Theo, Mattheo and Tom talking so I decided to listen in cause that's what I do best although I could hear them say I wasn't supposed to hear them so they where whispering.

Then all of a sudden shit I dropped something and it made a huge sound

Theodore "Hey did you hear that"
Mattheo "yep"
Tom "Megan come out we know you're there"

I slowly turned the corner

Megan "H..he.ey"
Tom "you better run*

I started to run as fast as I could but I wasn't fast enough Theo caught me within seconds

Author's note

Yeah so I'm going to leave it here yeah again I'm sorry if it isn't good I really do try to make it good

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