Chapter Six : The Wallace And Kenzie Effect

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The next day, In the living room, I'm sitting in the sofa chair, cleaning my glasses with the hem of my special agent shirt.

The next day, In the living room, I'm sitting in the sofa chair, cleaning my glasses with the hem of my special agent shirt

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Aaron redressed himself and gently walks  down the stairs and into the living room.

"Hey, Violet." Aaron greeted.

"Hey, Aary." I greeted him back and gently puts back on my glasses.

A gentle knock is on the door. I gets up and walks up to the door. Jonny is there.

"Hey, Violet. We need to talk." Jonny said, walking inside the living room and looks at Aaron. "Aaron? What are you doing here? I thought you left?"

"I stayed the night." Aaron replied.

Jonny looks at me, and I looks at him. Becoming jealous, Jonny gently puts his hands in his T-Eagles leather jacket.

"I'll see you guys around." Aaron said, walking away, gently closes the door behind him.

"Really, Violet? Reconciling with your ex-boyfriend to get back at me?" Jonny said to me, bewildered.

"Firstly, I'm not rebounding with Aaron, and secondly, he already knows that we already talked about it, and thirdly, it's none of your business, you're a married man, Jonny, so, you can't say anything about it." I tell him.

"I told you that Me and Monica have a marriage agreement with each other." Jonny tells me.

"And you think that when the marriage agreement is over, you and me are gonna reconcile our relationship? No. You had your chance, Jonny. And you used your chance to propose to Monica at the college graduation. So, I'm sorry that you feel like you're trapped in your marriage agreement." I tell him.

"You know, what, screw this. Be with Aaron. I don't care." Jonny said, slightly jealous, walking away, walking out of my house, and closes the door behind him.



Later on that day, I'm sitting at the bar counter with my blueberry smoothie. Aaron slowly walks up beside me and sits down beside me at the bar counter.

 Aaron slowly walks up beside me and sits down beside me at the bar counter

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