Chapter Seven : The Marriage Trap

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- 3RD POV -

The next day, at the Zuko House, Jonny Zuko, wearing a sleeveless shirt and plaid knee-length pajama pants, lays in bed, unable to sleep due to Aaron's and Violet's relationship reconciliation. He had become slightly jealous and gloomy.

Unable to sleep, Jonny sits up straight with the fluffy bedcover covering the lower half of his body.

He walks downstairs and walks up to the refrigerator, getting himself a bottle of cider.

Jonny sits at the kitchen countertop, taking a sip of bottle of cider.

"Can't sleep?" Monica said, slowly walks inside, turning the kitchen light on.

"Not really no." Jonny said.

"Is it Aaron and Violet?" Monica asked.

"Monica?" Jonny started to say, not wanting to talk about it.

But Monica urges him to. "I saw how slightly jealous you became when Aaron and Violet reconciled their relationship. Why did we get remarried?"

"Because I wanted to make things right." Jonny replied. "Our fake marriage was a screwup anyway because I didn't know that you had a inner possessiveness for me."

"And now, you regret asking me to remarry you because you lost Violet." Monica said to him.

"Violet has nothing to do with this." Jonny argued.

"That's bull-crap, Jonny, and you know it." Monica argued with him. "Look, I get why you proposed to remarrying to make things right. But now, that Violet has emotionally closed you out of her life, and Aaron and Violet has reconciled their old relationship, you want her now."

Jonny and Monica exchange slight tense looks at each other.

"I'm going back to sleep." Jonny said, drinking the rest of his bottle of cider. "I'm not in a mood for arguing."

Jonny gets up and walks away. Monica sighs to herself and sits at the kitchen countertop.



Jonny is sitting on the windowsill cushion, looking out of the opened window blinds, taking sips of his bottle of cider.

Jonny is sitting on the windowsill cushion, looking out of the opened window blinds, taking sips of his bottle of cider

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I slowly walks up to him and sits down beside him on the windowsill cushion.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned.

"Not really no. Me and Monica gotten into an argument with each other." Jonny tells me.

"Sorry." I said to him.

"It's alright. The marriage agreement is almost over anyway." Jonny said.

"And when it's over, then, what?" I asked him.

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