Chapter - 1

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I woke up gasping for air as tears streamed down my face, I gazed at my clock battling to see the tears flooding my eyes '06:45' it read. I let out a sigh of relief wiping the tears away, knowing it was all a dream. I could hear mom down in the kitchen, crap, I totally forgot, school.

"Caitlyn, Caitlyn Gardener are u awake yet!? Breakfast is on the table, we leaving in 10." mom called out. Mom, Alicia Gardener, was a tall, thin, black haired with blue eyes. Mom was a Lawyer and she was good at it, she'd won some major cases back In her day.

I scrambled out of bed and threw on a black and white long sleeve, a blue pair of skinny Jeans and pumps. I gazed into the mirror befor I did my hair, I have long blond wavey hair with crystal blue eyes. I decided to were it loose, only tieing the top. I strolled down stairs to find my younger sister, my only sister waiting to greet my, her name was Mia Gardener, she only 6 years old and had wavy dirty blond hair that came up to her waist. "CAT" she screached as she jumped up giving me a bone crunching hug, as I stared into her crystal blue eyes she started telling me about her dream she had last night.

Mom came out of the bedroom around the corner, "Cat, morning, have you have breakfast yet?" she asked while she did a quick tidy of the kitchen. " I'm not hungry," I replied. "Cat please, you need to eat. Wait were do you think you're going, get back here I'm not finished!" I'm sure she said more but I have already left the kitchen and couldn't hear her anymore. The car ride to school was quiet as always exept for Mia blabbing to herself in the back, my mom and I had never had the best relationship, mostly because my dad left befor I was even born but my mom said I was for the best, so instead she dates any man she can get in my opinion.

We pulled up in front of 'Standford Lake College' which was the best Hight school in the area and I just happend to be in Grade 11. Befor I climbed out of the car I said bye to Mia. Befor I could leave my mom grabbed my upper arm, "Cat have a good day and please be home by 6pm, new neighbours just moved in across the street and I invited them for dinner." I nodded in approval as our car dissappear over the horizon.

Now I know that to some people high school is the worst, but if you have the right crowed it's not that bad, and I happened to have an amazing crowed, I guess I could say I was popular but not like the Queen Bee popular, that was Paige Brooks job, and she was good at it, with her blond hair and brown eyes and her breath taking hot boyfriend Alex Franco, who had the most amazing brown hair and eyes, he was definitely eye candy.

As I walked the the doors my best friend Lara Dale rushed up to, she wore her ginger hair in a high pony causing her brown eyes to pop. "Cat I missed you! Did you here about the new kid, apparently he's like SUPER hot, word says he lives across the street for you!" she screached, as always she was cheerful and bouncy, oh how I love her so much. "Umm yea I heard, my mom says they are ganna be coming for dinner to night." I replied while staring at Alex who was on the far end of the hall with Paige draped around him.

Laras eyes grew wide, "OMG how are you not excited? HELOO Earth to Caitlyn," she relised that I was staring at Alex, "You know Cat, stare as much as you want but Paige will never let you have him." The Bell rang snapping me back to reality, I hurried to class and tried not to think about Alex but it was hopeless, I remember when I was younger Paige and I were best friends and Alex and I were a thing, as we grew up Paige got into the hole Queen Bee thing and dropped me, and she dragged Alex along with her.

The day went by fairly quickly and I caught I lift home with Lara. "You have fun tonight, and I want some epic stories in the morning, apparently he's hot so get in there, rember to be your self and be nice." Lara said practicaly bouncing out of her seat. " Be myself or be nice, which one I can't do both. Later babes." I said giving her a squeeze, I dono what I would do with out Lara. I hurried up stairs to get ready, after all first impressions are everything, especially if he's cute.

Authors note:

Hi guys so like I said said this is my first story and I would appreciate it if you could be patient with the updates but I'll update as often as possible.

If you have any questions, suggestions anything please comment. And please share.


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