Chapter - 2

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After an hour of swaying my hips to the music infront of the mirror and singing into a Brush I decided to check the time. I gasped as I looked up at the clock and it read 17:23. Shit dinner with the new neighbours started at 18:00, which only left me with 37 minutes to get ready, shit.

I let out an irritated groan as I made my way to the cuboard, I decided to wear a simple yet elegant long sleeve black dress which stopped mid thigh with black pumps. After applying a little makeup, I let my slightly curly hair loose. Before I could check the time again I heard the door bell ring and quickly made my way down stairs to welcome our guests. Just before I reached for the door mom popped out from the kitchen and said "Caitlyn honey, you look gourgous but smile would you?" And with that I gave her a sarcastic smile before rolling my eyes and opening door.

In my hurry to open the door I didn't even get a chance to see who it was, which I regret because as soon as I saw who was standing there I stood frozen with shock, I'd know that dirty blond hair and those seducing brown eyes anywhere, "Hello Cat-" his deep voice started but I interrupted him before he could say anymore, "It's Caitlyn to you, what the hell are you doing here anyway? Did you get lost on the way to your slut?" I spat out.

Mom quickly ran to the door before he could reply and cleared her throat before starting, "Cat" she paused when she saw the anger flash through my eyes, "Caitlyn, remember Eric, we dated a few years back." "Sorry I forgot, is he the one that cheated so much on you?" I said, sarcasm clearly present. "Oh I don't remember it like that, anyway I decided to give him another chance, so I invited him for dinner." She said shyly.

I couldn't help but notice a wide smirk spread across his face clearly indicating him winning this augment. I was blood red from all the anger, how could she got back to him after he hurt her so bad? I turned to him and was about blow, but before I could a lady I didn't recognise Caught the corner of my eye. I couldn't help but gasp at her beauty, her dark brown hair was tied in a neat bun on top of her head and she wore a fitting grey dress that stopped at her knees, it was alot better than mom's green thigh high dress.

As a jaw dropping smile appeared on this strangers face I noticed a young boy standing behind her, he must have been at least 17, oh my god was he hot, so, so, hot. I can't wait till Lara sees him. He was a splitting image of his mother, he had the same dark brown hair and bright hazel eyes.

Mom must have seen me staring because she quickly pulled Eric inside to make space for our guests, all the chatter must have distributed Mia because she can running in in her light blue dress with her hair flowing behind her.

Mom turned to our guests and smiled, " Hi I'm Alicia Gardener and these are my children Caitlyn and Mia, oh and this is my boyfriend Eric." She said pulling us so we stood on one side of her and Eric on the other, I couldn't help but role my eyes when she mentioned Eric. " It's wonderful to meet you all all, I'm Stephenie Rose and this is my son Josh, I'm so greatful you invited us, really thank you." Even her voice was beautiful.

Mom invited our guests inside and asked me to keep them entertained while she did the finishing touches for dinner.

I guess you could say I did a pretty good job at keeping them entertained because I practicaly talked their ears off asking them questions about their life before they moved to this part of town.

Joshes mom, Stephanie Rose was really sweet and she just got a job as the new doctor/surgent at our local hospital. And don't even get me stated on Josh, his eyes and his hair, everything of him was perfect, really perfect.

I was mentally awarding myself because, like me Mia also despised Eric and was giving him hell for god knows what.

Dinner arrived shortly escorting the akward silence that grew after I ran out of questions for our guests into a joyful chatter. After dessert Josh and I help clear the table and pack the dishwasher and I learnt that Josh was on the athletics team in his previous school, that explains his amazing muscles.

After a few minutes of conversation Mom suggested that I show Josh around and go chill in my room, I know right, most parents wouldn't encourage two teens in a room alone but I guess Mom got tired of my constant sighing and evil glares and Eric. As I stood up I purposely scraped my chair on the floor, grabbing Joshes arm and pulling him behind me.

Authors Note :

Hay gus what do you think so far??

Omf I just saw I last updated in July \\ gosh I'm so sorry..

Do you guys want me to add pictures of how I imagined the characters look or would you rather just have you imagine??

Much love

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