Part 1

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Hii guy's :)

So before the story starts, i just wanna say that i dont come from a country where we speak english so i'll do some mistakes ;))


*Laura's prof*

Omg I'm so excited :) Since our fandom saw the videos from the boys in ghana, we all wanna raise a lot of money to help the children there! We, Swiss Directioners, decided to do a lot of projects all around the country and put the money together, whitch we raised & we will give it to Red Nose Day! We contacted them and they said, we should do a video from our activitys and maybe they show it at the Red Nose Day.

Today, me and some other Directioners met in the city. All the other projects from the swiss directioneres was to sell cake or other things. We decided to make something other... something special hahahah.

"C'mon girls, let's search a good place with lot of people!" i said.

"Why don't we rest here? I mean in the train station are the most people ... "

"Yes but here, they are always stressed! C'mon we go next to the Mc Donald! There aren't too much people but there are only people who go shopping or eating or so! They will have time for our stupid show hahah!"

The other Girls gave me right so we went next to the Mc'. We talked a lot about how we can raise money and we decided to so something stupid..We're girls with an awkward sense of humour so we try to make the people laugh.

"Who starts?", asked Selina.

"I do! I just hope nobody recognize me ;)!"

During the whole day, we told everybody our jokes. At the begining we were a bit shy but when we realized that we have nothing to do then to laugh & every one laughs too, we became more open! So what i wanna tell you with that: Our jokes aren't funny at all! But WE found our jokes funny so we laughed and yeah, baisiclly, our laughs are funny. So everyone laughed too. But I really don't understand why they dont laugh about my jokes... Wait, i'm going to tell you one:

What's green and stand before a tree?

A red bike!

Hahahahahhahaa omg I know it's so funny...Not hahaha

Anyway, that's not the important thing. The important is that we raised over 300.- and we had a lot of fun! We filmed the whole afternoon and we'll make a video. We really hope that our video will be showed at the Red Nose Day because we're all so big Directioners and imagine that One Direction see you & notice you... That would be so fucking awesome!

Ah and just because I'm so funny(not really), another joke:

2 Pancakes hang at a wall. One fells down and the other one is called Maura!

Omg i can't hahahahhaha :'D You don't laugh?? Yes i thought it ;)

When i finally arrived at home, i ate something then i took a shower and now, i'm doing the video. We all decided to take the "funniest" parts on it. And at the end of the video, we did a cover of 'One Way Or Another'!

When I finally finished with the video, i was really proud on me! I have to say, i made a really good video :) I uploaded it and sent it to the Red Nose Day mail adress. After that, i close my laptop and i went sleeping.

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