chapter 2

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the sponge sighs, shakily pushing open the door to their shared house after a long shift. he's dedicated to his job, but the effort he put in is never returned. the sponge keeps giving and giving, arriving early and leaving late, jeopardising time with his husband for this stupid, stupid job. and in return? he gets an exploitative boss and a verbally abusive coworker, who he's tried befriending on multiple occasions, only to be met with more carelessly hurtful words. his hours are inhumane, yet he would need to bend over backwards and scrap the entire krabby patty restaraunt clean with his tongue before mr krabbs would even consider giving him even a penny more of wage. spongebob is tired, so fucking tired. its getting harder and harder to get himself to care about the tjings he used to love, and finds himself spending an impossible amount of time on things he knows are fruitless. he's always been hopelessly optimistic like that - a virtue he never forgets to despise.

the door of their house creeks open with no response from spongebobs husband.
"shrek..? are you in there?" his usually chipper tone of voice is dull and flat. its hard to maintain the same energetic facade when your will to live is spent on customer service.

theres no response from his husband.

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