chapter thirteen

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

Henrik woke with a gasp. He prepared himself to use his magic to attack who had kidnapped him, but for some reason, he couldn't call his power to him. It was almost as if something was blocking it. He tried to lift his arms, but there was something stopping him from doing that too.

His eyes shot open, scanning around the dimly lit room. He looked down at his hands, noticing that his hands were bound with a strange metal on them. He scanned his surroundings, noticing the odd tools sitting on the chair next to him. Based on the tools, you would think that were fixing something.

As his eyes continued to wander, looking for a way out, he noted the metal bars on the door. Oh good, he was in a cell.

What the bloody hell had happened to him?

He forced himself to think back to the moments before he woke up. Suddenly, it all came rushing back. Him hearing someone downstairs attacking them... He refrained from gasping again. It all made sense. He had been kidnapped.

But that didn't explain why he couldn't do magic.

"Now, which Mikaelson brother is this?" He heard a voice ask from far in front of him. "He looks like a young Elijah, so they have to be related."

Henrik tried to stay very still, hoping that if he did no one would hear him and whatever they kidnapped him for could wait for a while. Preferably forever or at least until he found a way out.

Unfortunately, as soon as he thought that, everyone in the room looked at him.

"Your heart beats faster when you're scared," A blonde woman stated, nodding in the direction of the older guy. "And are we sure kidnapping a kid is the way to go? What if he's like Elijah's kid? Then what?"

"First, vampires can't have babies, Care," Elena started. "Then, two, at least we know that he has a father who cares. Elijah would get that witch to bring back Damon in exchange for his son... or whoever that is."

"Vampires also can't be werewolves, but look at Klaus and Tyler!" Caroline sighed. "This is a horrible idea. He's just a kid."

"And Damon's just dead!" Elena countered. "Jenna died by Klaus—Damon by Kol and Me by Rebekah. That whole family are killers and if this child is a Mikaelson, at least we'll find out how fucked up he is soon."

Henrik refrained from smirking. Whoever these people were definitely deserved what happened to them; he wanted to hug his family for messing up their lives. "I'm sure you know I'm right here. You can stop speaking about me and my family like I'm not."

"You're really cocky for someone who's being used as leverage."

Henrik shook his head. "I'm really cocky for someone whose family is involved in killing your... lover?" He ended with a small smile. The way she defended this 'Damon' who was killed wasn't very sibling-like, so he assumed they were soulmates or something.

Elena bared her fangs, itching toward him. "You want to see what happens to members of that family who get on my bad side?"

Henrik rolled his eyes. "Obviously, nothing because you kidnapped me, the child, instead of going after my adult s-father." He stated, keeping the charade of Elijah being his father going.

She lunged at the Mikaelson, only not reaching him because Caroline grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. "If this ridiculous plan is actually going to work, he kinda has to be alive for Elijah to find him."

"Come on, Elena," Jeremy spoke. "Let's go home. They can deal with this for now."

Reluctantly, Elena followed her brother out of the door. She knew that Stefan could guard this situation for right now, but if she stayed, she might ruin this whole plan by killing him.

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