chapter fourteen

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𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

Elyza Mikaelson faked a smile as she turned the steering wheel, effortlessly pulling into the ide driveway of the Bennett Mansion. She tried to force herself to look happy and not imagine her best friend standing over her husband's unconscious body. Her fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, squeezing it tighter until her knuckles turned white.

She glanced around at the lack of cars in the driveway, smirking when she realized that the only car in the driveway was Mina's red Bentley. Walking up to the door, she made herself smile as she rang the door bell.

"I got it, Bon."

"Miss me?" Elyza reached out, grabbing her friend by her hair and tugging her to the ground, sending both of them rolling down the pavement. She rose quickly, smirking, having found Mina standing as well.

The sudden dampness made her slide two fingers up to her scalp before pulling back. She winced as she saw the familiar crimson liquid on her fingers. "I'm going to forgive you for this because I can tell that something's wrong. But I'm not going to fight you, Elyza."

"Oh, that's not an option, sweetie," Elyza soothed. Her fangs retracted. "I would put up a fight if I was you."

"We can talk through whatever the problem is."

Elyza's eyes darkened as she sped over to the siphoner. Mina lifted her arm to cast a shield around herself, but the heretic only folded it back, forcing her to the side. Exposing her neck, Mina was forced to fall into the Mikaelson's hold.

Elyza took advantage of this, biting into her neck and tossing her into her car. "See, that's the thing, darlin'. I tried to talk... to be civil. And you allowed your freshly resurrected cousin to try and murder my husband." Mina grabbed the end of the tire, forcing her body to push itself up. "And now, sweet little Henrik is missing."

Elyza lifted her foot and planted a kick to Mina's side. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The heretic shrugged. "Even if you don't, I'd be lying if I said this wasn't making me feel better."

Mina pushed her headache to the side, trying for the third time any spell whatsoever. But the pain she was in was blocking her concentration. When Elyza raised her foot again, she grabbed it before whispering a spell that she knew would send Mina crashing backwards.

Her magic doing her bidding, Elyza slammed against her blue BMW. She jumped up before looking back at the dent it caused. "My fucking car! I'm going to have fun murdering you now."

Elyza sped forward, wrapping her fist around Mina's hair and banging it passenger seat window. The glass shattered, blood splattering over the window and Elyza's lip. Her eyes darkened as black veins grew under them. She licked her lip.

"I forgot how good witch's blood tastes."

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back in ecstasy as the smell seeped into her nose, slightly soothing the anger coursing through her body. Hearing a small crack, she opened her eyes again, but Mina's fist was already connecting with her jaw. "How does that taste?"

"Punching a vampire?" Elyza chuckled. "If that's the best you got, I overestimated you."

Mina raised an eyebrow. "Let's see."

Elyza ducked as a branch came spinning toward her. When she looked back up again, Mina's magic had begun swirling, tossing chairs, more branches, and anything around them at her. The shutters on the windows began to rattle against the house, threatening to come off if the wind remained.

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