Chapter 2 - An Accident

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I jump seeing his sudden appearance. "Holy SHIT!" I jump back while using one of my spells to push him away from me. 

Although that's what I wanted, I realized that I put a little more force into the spell than I thought. In just a second he was launched 25 feet away from me. He landed with a loud thud which made me wince and cringe. I quickly run over to the wolf's body, watching as he slowly gets up with a grunting pain. 

"Well hello*grunts* to you too," He says placing his hands back to prop himself up. He starts to rub his head, most likely from the hard landing he took out of nowhere. 

I finally get to him and apologize profusely. I'm still shocked that I had launched him like that. I slowly get down on my knees next to me and try to help with the pain. That is until he pushes me onto my back and pins my arms above me snarling. "Oh no not again sunshine." He growls baring his teeth at me. 

He's Pissed...

"What was that for!" He snarls

I try getting out of his iron grip trying not to hurt my wrists from the movement. "What do you mean, you came out of nowhere!" I say struggling. My adrenaline is running high and keeps building up from the growing tension. 

"So you just blast me like a rag-doll!" He growls leaning closer to my face. I haven't felt this scared in a while. Not only that but he's also pissing me off the more he acts like it's my fault.

"Maybe next time don't creep up on people like that!" I scream at him. I try calming myself down by trying to explain to him what happened. "Let me go already!" I huff, finally giving up fighting his tight grip on me. 

He looks at me slowly, thinking of what he should do. He soon calms down and lets go of me. He seems calm but gets up and watches my movements making sure I don't do what I just did again. 

I huff trying to dust off any dirt that I had on me. "Thank you," giving him an annoyed look. I start walking towards the campsite I set up and pull out two chairs for me to examine him with. "Now come sit down so I can take a look at you," I say losing my patience. 

He just stands there confused. "What, so you can blast me again?" he says mockingly. 

I'm getting fed up. "Do you want me to help you, or do you want to stay how you are," I say getting ready to put up the chairs. He huffs but reluctantly goes and sits down on the chair in front of me. "Thank you, now take off your armor." He chokes at my remark.

"Excuse me? you can't be serious," the wolf says looking back at me. 

"How am I supposed to help you with your armor in the way?" I ask giving him a stern look. 

He turns back around and pulls off his armor leaving only a creme-colored long shirt. Once he sets his armor down he finally pulls off his shirt, revealing his buff and defined back. It's also covered with fur which kind of surprises me since I was told he was a half-wolf. I guess it covers all of his body as well. 

"Well, are you gonna get started?" He says impatiently.

"Im working on it," I say coming back to the real world.

I gently rub my hands together and cast a small spell that would help me heal the places I touch. He isn't badly hurt, but I'm sure there might be some bruising later on. Considering we have a long journey ahead, I wouldn't want him to be in pain and complain about his back and head. It seems a little bit of dirt did get inside his armor. Now that I'm realizing it, I haven't even said sorry for what I did. 

"Hey, Blaidd." He perks up and twitches his ears, showing that he's listening. "I'm sorry for, you know, Blasting you like that," I say with a soft voice. "Now hold still this might feel uncomfortable." I Softly place my hands on the middle of his body, slowly moving them around and feeling his body tense before relaxing into my touch. 

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