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Tsu'tey's determination
Tsu'teyä tìpe'ngay

The main objective now, was hunting and tracking. Riley had killed before. Only a few times. But those were people. This is an animal. People are clumsy and stupid. But animals know their limits and environment. So, it was tricky.

The forest was bright in the morning. Tsu'tey was now at the point that he trusted Riley to track and not hunt on her own. So, she was camouflaged as best as she could be, both covered in mud and changing skin pigmentation as she stalked something closely. It was something called a Snga'ik. A relative of the Yerik or hexapede. It had no crests, instead it had fur all over its body. Where it thinned out, like the face, belly, and legs, it seemed velvety. It had four eyes, six legs, a short tail, no crests, and blue fur.

It was quite the handsome creature. She practiced getting as close as she could before it ran off. She figured it might impress Tsu'tey. Last time, she was a foot away. This time she was inches away from it. She reached out and patted it's hind leg, startling it and sending it running.

By her definition, it was a success.

She smiled at herself and began back on her way when something was suddenly not right. Every hair on her body stood on end, and pinprick sensations prickled up and down her spine like a cold chill had filled the air. Something was here with her.

It was almost completely clear what it was when she heard it snarl in a hissing, rattling way. She was too familiar with the noise. She broke out into a sprint immediately. It felt more like a mad dash. Every muscle in her body was working to push her farther away from the pursuing creature. She could hear it galloping, almost like it was playing with her.

Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she bounded over roots and under vines. She could barely hear anything above her own heartbeat. She could if think fast enough, only raw fear was running through her mind as she attempted to clamber up a tree. She tumbled far away enough that she could continue to run without being caught but she was a foot away from death. A single misstep could cost her life.

And a misstep there was. She tripped over a single small, fallen branch which propelled her forward, but she hit her head hard and was dazed as the swipe of a gargantuan paw came ever closer to her body. The initial pain was a sting, but it was superficial in reality. In her confusion, she didn't realize that the beast was gone now. Something made it leave.

She heaved a deep sigh and with that, she was out.


It didn't take a Tsahik to figure out she was knocked unconscious from the combination of adrenaline and head trauma. However, it was still a matter that should be handled by the Tsahik. After all, Mo'at was the best healer in the clan. If anyone could get her back on her feet, it was Mo'at.

"Poeri lamu polung krra nga rolun peyä srak?"(she was like this when you found her?) The matriarch inquired Tsu'tey.

"Sran, ma Tsahìk."(yes, Tsahik.) Tsu'tey responded. He was pacing, and when he wasn't, he was shifting in place.

Mo'at had healed Riley's superficial wounds with extra care already. The only thing to be worried about was her mind. She had minor swelling where she hit her head. Regardless, Tsu'tey couldn't keep still.

Mo'at looked up from her work and shot a confused look at Tsu'tey.

"Fpom ngaru lu srak, ma Tsu'tey?"(are you well, tsu'tey?) she asked, a hint of a smile on her face.

Tsu'tey swallowed before answering, messing with his neck piece as he did.

"Frawzo..."(all is fine.) he said meekly.

He was feeling some of the first guilt of his teaching career. He should never have left her alone, especially with her inexperience.

"Poeri lu lemrey?"(is she going to be okay?) he asked, conscientiously.

"Poeri lìyu zeyko."(she will be healed.) Mo'at assured.

Tsu'tey sighed and sat down beside his student. He was visibly worried, something that Mo'at had not seen from him in a long time. Tsu'tey was typically confident when it came to teaching, but he was careless this time.

"Txamìng poeti nì'awtu, oel ke sweylu."(I shouldn't have left her alone.) Tsu'tey professed.

"Ngal kekem soli amomum."(you did not know.) Mo'at hushed him.

With a wave of her hand, she warned him that Riley was waking. And when she did, she was calm but confused. She glanced around the tent.

"There... there was a... Thanator." She murmured. She tensed as she sat up.

"Yes, you were lucky." Tsu'tey replied. He held her gaze for a few seconds before Mo'at began her questions.

"Does your head hurt?" She asked through her thick na'vi accent.

"Only a little." Riley said, ignoring the pounding headache.

Mo'at felt Riley's queue for any damage. When she was satisfied with the results, she left Tsu'tey and Riley to their training.

Riley couldn't help but feel embarrassed. She knew Tsu'tey wouldn't have ran from the Palulukan.

"Do you know how I survived? Did someone save me?" Riley asked sheepishly. Tsu'tey avoided her eyes as he answered.

"No. I found you on the ground." Tsu'tey answered truthfully.

Riley thought back to her last moments of consciousness, but she couldn't remember much. She was just glad to be safe.

Tsu'tey watched her as she left to clean herself or whatever she was off to do. He decided there that he'd accompany her into the forest every single time she left hometree.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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