Chapter 2- Ray

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Previously: "Young master, there you are! You can't just run off like that."

"Ah- says whoo??? I told you I don't wanna stay inside today you old fart!-"

Before the group could say anything, the child ran off. "Ah! Get back here!" The man entered the car again and drove after the child who dived into an alley way.

"What the hell was that?..."

Pov: Third Person

Another week has passed. The group heeded the child's words, and split into a smaller group. Sherlock, Hudson, Sebastian and Fred were together. And the others switched to a different location.

They rationed the food they received from the child, but to no avail. "Hah.. the child was really just a stroke of luck weren't they?" Sherlock leaned back.

(I bet they stink)

"I guess i was.."


The group flinched, looking behind them, their eyes trailed up to the top of the brick wall. The child from before was sitting on top of it.

"Yo, still struggling are ya?"

"Wh- where the hell did you come from??"

"Uh.. my mom.. duh"

"I- thats not what i meant-"

"Right right.. I'll go get yall some food cause you're all apparently too dumb to get a job, go collect your friends"


The child returned with food and drinks. And sure enough, the group was all gathered.

"Dang, that was quick.."

The group turned towards him. "Ah, thank you tru-"

"Imagine being full grown ass adults and your having a child take care of you. Mfs this is basically a nursing home."

Handing the group the food, the child still held the drinks. "I can't stand it to be honest, come on, follow me, you can eat in the car... separate from mine of course, cause you all stink."


Setting down the drinks, he guided the group into the car. "This is a car? Technology sure is advanced.."

"Geeze, your really into the roleplay aren't you.. whatever, don't ask questions and just eat, i'll come get yall when we arrive."

The boy left them in the car, going into the one in front of them. As the car started driving. "Do we really stink that bad?.."
Sebastian moved his arm to his face to see.

"It has been over a week" Fred watched as sebastian's face morphed into disgust.

"William, what do you think?" Albert turned his head towards him. William put a hand to his chin.

"Well, first, why don't we go ahead and eat? We're all famished I believe. We'll need to regain some strength in order to counter possible danger later on."

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