Chaos Army Layout

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Each of the ten Commanders are in charge of a certain section of the army, listed below:

Percy{Jackson} Colonel Commander Neos ~ Weapons fighters, mortal combat methods, war strategists, fluidity[battle tactic: method], symbolism: phoenix

Luke{Castellan} Lieutenant Colonel Commander Sothike ~ Weapons fighters, mortal combat methods, war strategists, analysation[battle tactic: opponent], symbolism: dove

Zoe{Nightshade} Admiral Captain Commander Asteria ~ Weapons fighters, mortal combat methods, war strategists, attention corruption[battle tactic: focus], symolism: swan

Charles{Beckendorf} Vice Admiral Commander Metallo ~Mortal combat methods, war strategists, adaptivity[battle tactic: battleground], symbolism: falcon

Bianca{DiAngelo} Admiral Commander Angelos ~ Mortal combat methods, war strategists, use of enemy weapons[battle tactic: enemy strategy], symbolism: raven

Silena{Beauregard} Division Commander Peristeri ~ Mortal combat methods, manipulating enemy mindset[battle tactic: deception], symbolism: hummingbird

Castor{Quade} Division Commander Didymo ~ Mortal combat methods, loopholes{tricks;flaw exposure}[battle tactic: deception], symbolism: blue jay

Travis{Stoll} Division Commander Farsa ~ Weapons fighters, mortal combat methods, direct attack[battle tactic: opponent], symbolism: killdeer

Rowen{Marwood} Division Commander Mageia ~ Magic fighter, mortal combat methods, division of enemy lines[battle tactic: enemy strategy], symbolism: crow

Ella{Altwood} Division Commander Diavolos ~ Magic fighter, weapons fighter, mortal combat methods, deception of terrain[battle tactic: enemy battleground>deception], symbolism: cardinal, honorary peafoul

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