Headcanons I don't particularly like (ft. my opinion on different ships)

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I just read a fanfic that gave me the motivation to make this, so here you go.


Headcanons I don't like

- I absolutely HATE the Tweek / Kyle being a twink headcanon. Tweek can box, and Kyle beats up Cartman all the time.

- Kyle is tall af, not 5'3. Tall Kyle supremacy. 

- I hate the Mean/homophobic/bitchy Wendy character that people write in their fanfics, especially when it's just for plot convenience. She literally made her TFBW character LGBTQ+, and she has always shown a lot of compassion and empathy for others. 

- Homophobic Sharon / Randy. Randy is PC and has a fuckin ass tattoo to prove it, not to mention the hot tub incident. He is Lorde (yayayaya), so if he happened to have a queer son / daughter, he wouldn't care. And let's not forget that SHARON LITERALLY HID A DEAD BODY FOR STAN. Plus, Sharon has always been portrayed as a good and caring mother. 

- Homophobic Gerald / Shelia. IT IS STATED IN THE SHOW THAT SHELIA SUPPORTS TRANS RIGHTS. Also, Gerald was in the hot tub during the 'incident' too.

- KYLE CANONICALLY HAS A JEWFRO. His hair is hella curly, not straight at all.

- Cartman being less of a prick the older he gets. HE FED THE TENORMANS TO THEIR SON. if anything, he'll get WORSE.

- Honestly, let's face it, Stan has greasy ass hair and a big ass forehead. 

- Stan the emo boy. He does have depression and an alcohol problem, yes, but he isn't exactly emo.

- UNDERDEVELOPED-PERSONALITY CRAIG. I hate when people give him almost no personality other than the fact that he loves Tweek. Yeah, he might not show as much emotion as others, BUT HE ISNT A GIANT, EMO, COMPLETELY SILENT POPSICLE STICK LOOKIN' MF.


Ships I (personally) like/dislike.


- Style. (Stan x Kyle)

Style is normally written in an easy-flow way, and it just feels more natural compared to some  other ships. Plus, I really like the 'friends to lovers' aspect. I like the concept of Kyle being an emotional support boyfriend, and Stan being like a support to help with Kyle's anger management. They can help each other in any situation, and they know each other like the back of their hands. Probably my OTP.

- Bunny. (Butters x Kenny)

I always found Bunny to be sweet, and it really brings out the best of both characters. Butters' innocence and optimism really reminds Kenny that there is still hope left in the world. Kenny helps Butters by giving the true love he always craved from his parents. Plus, the shippers within the community are really nice.

- Creek. (Craig x Tweek)

Creek is really good if written well, but if Tweek and Craig are pulled out of their true character, it becomes a no for me. Craig is a strong yet kind idiot with autism, and Tweek is a twitchy fighter who is just trying to survive. I like their dynamic, and the characters suit each other. I love the fanfics (especially the ones where Craig gets flustered) and just overall enjoy the ship.

Neutral opinion

- Stendy. (Stan x Wendy)

This is one of few canon ships within the show, and has been marked as a love it or hate it ship. I don't personally love or hate it, I just don't see it as a 'grow old and still love eachother' ship. 

- Tyde. (Token x Clyde)

I do like the idea of these two and their ship dynamic, but I can't really picture it within the actual South Park universe. I don't get mad when people put them in fanfictions, but I've never read a fanfic directed only towards them.

- Fike. (Firkle x Ike)

I adore the books and fanart made around this ship, but, like with Tyde, I can't picture it in the South Park universe. 


- Kyman. (Kyle x Cartman)

Just writing K*man feels like a sin that should bring you to the 7th layer of hell. Kyle hates Cartman with every cell of his body, and I can't even picture them together romantically. Cartman does have a weird obsession with Kyle, I'll give 'em that, but Kyle Broflovski will never like Eric Cartman. One sided K*man? Yes. Two sided K*man? Hell fuckin' no.

- K2. (Kyle x Kenny)

I can picture Kyle and Kenny as friends, but not in a romantic relationship. I don't see where the character matchup could've come from. I've watched the show many times, and just don't understand. I don't necessarily hate it, I just don't ship it whatsoever.

- Crenny. (Craig x Kenny)

I think of them as friends, but nothing more. Kenny is too flirty for Craig in my opinion, and I can't picture Craig loving him.

- Cryle. (Craig x Kyle)

This ship makes no sense to me. Craig and Kyle rarely interact, and when they do, it's always for about 3 seconds. Where did it even come from??? Anyway, it feels like a ship from a Stan x Kyle and Craig x Tweek book. (Craig and Kyle date to get Stan and Tweek jealous or something like that.)

- Jimmy x Timmy (idk the official name)

This just feels like someone said 'They're both crippled, let's have them date'. I will not further elaborate.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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