My Biology Professor

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Main lead =jeonjungkook
Lee yn
Yns grandparents
Jungkooks grandparents
Yns parents
Kang min hoo
Principal moon

Let's begin our story

Yn being a rich girl grew up with her grandparents in Busan. Her parents live in America and she has two elder brothers. Her brothers also live with their parents. Her parents left yn with their grandparents . Yns grandparents love her so much . She is the only hope for them to live .

Yns grandma : ynnnnnnaaa. Get up it's already 8Am. Get ready for school.

Yn: 5 more mints granny.

Yns grandpa : my dear pumpkin get up now.

Wake her up by kissing her fore head

Yn : yaaaaa !! Grandpa iam awakee

Wakeup and hugs her grandpaa

Yns grandma : yaa u both stop ur drama. yn get ready for school

Yn :yaa granny don't be jealous .make my fav pancakes for breakfast .I will be in 10 mints

Skips to dinning hall
Yn : Granny I love ur pancakess .

Yns grandpa : my sweety eat fast iam gonna drop u at school

Yn : Arasoo (okay)

Skips to yns school

Yn : Good morning sir!..

Mr park : morning Miss Lee. U came with your grand father today .

Yn : yess sir.

Yns grandpa :nice to meet you mr park . I came to ask about yns academics .

Mr park : you may go to class yn I will talk to ur grandpa

Yn : okay sir .
Yn went from ther
Yns grandpa : Mr park anything important yn did anything wrong.

Mr park : Noo no need to worry Mr lee she is somewhat good but she is too rude and she is very bad at biology and mathes . She is mostly don't care any one even professors .

Yns grandpa : sorry for her behaviour Mr park we made her like that she is our life so we don't being strict to her.

Mr park : I can understand Mr lee but she has to improve her studies next year she is going to university . Her majors is science . So send her to Seoul University. She would probably improve alot

Yns grandpa : okay mr park thanks for ur concern

Skips to yns house
Yns grandma : what are you worring about
Yns grandpa : Our yn
Yns grandma : ynn. What about her.
Yns grandpa : she is not doing well in studies . Her professors suggest that to send her to Seoul .
Y ns grandma : Seoul .Nooo she is our sweetheart I am not able to send her . It's okey with her studies now
Yns grand pa : jagii just listen to mee it's her future
Yns grandma : noo. I will not listen to you any more

Armyyssss just wait for our bunnys entry💜💜💜💜😘😘😉😉😉

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