CHAPETER 22 Falling for your love

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Yns povvv.....
Yn : pleaseeeeee open the door .... Ariaa. Open the door. Why are u doing this to me?

After some times she stopped shouting andshe started to cry and difficulty in breathing.

Class pov....
Jk : somi where is yn ??

Somi : Actually mr.jeon  ( tells what actually happened before with somi and aria).

Jk : soo aria did something to yn

Somi : may be Mr Jeon . I am feeling weird and feeling something bad about her.

Jk : what somii what's this??

Jk started scared and his body started shivering .

Somi : Mr. Jeon are you okayy?

Jk : it's not about mee?? Ynn where is she??

Somi : I asked aria she said yn came to class already.

Jk : But she didn't . Plss somi go and inform principal and all other staff iam going to check in storeroom .

Somi : okay mr.jeon I will do that .

Somi went to inform all the staff and people about yn .

Jungkook started searching yn at storeroom . But she is not there . Then he started searching like a hell

All the heads and staff started searching her .
Jk started scared and he about to cryy

Somi went towards class  to inform students to search for yn .

But suddenly Jennie batch started conversation .
Aria : what now Jennie ? Mr. Jeon started searching yn .

Jennie : it's okay aria who will say to mr.jeon that that bitch is in that room.

Somi listened all the conversation blw Jennie and somi .

She suddenly went towards jk and tell about their conversation .
Jk went towards jennie gang..

Jk : where is yn Jennie ?

Jennie : How do I know mr.jeon ?

Jk : shutttttupppppp.where is she ? Tell me otherwise I will kill you

Jennie : mr.jeon I don't know.

Jk : ( slap Jennie ) .......Tell meeee nowww

Jennie : mr.jeon ...........

Aria : Mr. Jeon she is in that dark airtight room. Jennie told me to put yn in that room that's it mr.jeon.

Jk : whattttttttt

Jk ran away from that room .somi started running with jungkook .
Jk went opened the door went in to the room .
Yn was falling unconscious but she recognised jk.

Yn : juuunnggkook......

Jk :YNNNNNNNN.......

Jk went towards yn and lift her in bridalstyle went towards car .

Jk was literally cryinggg hands were shaking
Somi was very surprised by jks behaviour.
Both jk and somi took yn to hospital.
They informed to principal .
They also informed about Jennie ,aria, and Irene .

Time skips to hospital.
Jk : uncle min how was shee?? Is she okkk

Min : don't worry kokkie she is perfectly alright . Don't worry.see how ur face looks like .

Jk : somi go and meet yn .

Somi : okay mr.jeon
Somi went towards yn

Jk : uncle min I don't know but in college I can't control what others think about me.

Min : kokkie don't worry it will be alright and I know u like her right .

Jk : nooo nooo uncle min she is my responsibility what I have to tell to her grandparents if something was wrong . That's why I worried about her.

Min : hooo that's why u cried a lot right it's okay u will know the truth later.

Somi and yns pov......
Somi : Yn how are u felling now better.?????

Yn : yahh iam good somi. U are right  . Aria is such a bitch she dragged me in to that room.

Somi : don't worry mr.jeon gave punishment to them.

Yn : Mr.jeonnnnnnn where is he?

Somi : Do you know something yn ? Mr Jeon cried for you and he was soo tensed and he literally scared for you

Yn : jinjaaaa (really) yahh I know he lift me and his face Was  went and he was unable to control.

Somi : yahh I never seen mr.jeon in that position . Take rest ynn .

Yn : Hmm thankyou somi.

Ynss povv.....

I know about my husband .he really cares about me . Today I came to know. That I love himm a lottt . I love youuuu jungkookk. I started falling for him.

Hloo cubiess sorry for late update


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