CHAPTER 10. Gentlejkk

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It's morning 8 am yn woke up and starts getting ready for college
Then she went to jks room . He is still sleeping. Yn successfully completed her plan . She had some fruits and went to college .

Yns pov...
Yn : Heyyyy jennn.

Jennie : Hii yn seems soo happy today.

Yn : yuppp my plan was successfully completed.

Jennie : whatt?? Plan????

Yn : Nothing . I just completed my homework .that's it.

Irene : Guyss Mr. Jeon not came yet .

Jennie : whatt my jkk. Didn't came .

Yn : (In mind He will not come today poor girls cause ur so called jk is playing games with me) Really Mr. Jeon not came .

Irene : Yesss guys even office staff don't know the reason .

Jks pov ...

Jk : aAhhhhh.This headache . Omg it's 11 am and I am here but I am soo uncomfortable . What's with me .first I should inform to college.

Jk : Hello!SNU office admin. This is professor jeon.

SNU : Hello ! Mr. Jeon why are u on leave today. Without informing to us .

Jk : sorry for that . Actually I am not able to come I have some health issue .

SNU: okay mr.jeon don't repeat it again . Take care about ur health .

Jks pov
What about ynn went to check yns room. Ohh she left to college what about her breakfast may be she had fruits.
First I should call doctor .

Doc : Hello jungkook. What happened to you??

Jk : uncle min I don't know but I could not able to get in the morning and I have so much pain .

D.min : What's that ? Did u eat any junkfood?

Jk : noo uncle . Don't u know. I just drank milk and slept at night .

D. Min : But it's ur habit nothing changed. Jk get ready you have to come to hospital with me and I will do some tests so that we can know what's wrong?

Jk : okay uncle. Give me some time.

Time skips to hospital.
Dr.min did aomee tests waiting for results .

Results came and dr. min obesrving them.

Jk : what's the problem uncle?

D min :okay listen jk u drank poisoned milk. That mean not serious kind of sleeping pills but too dangerous .

Jk : whattttttttttttt

D.min : Yesss jk .one tablet is safe but u mixed up to 5 to 6 tablets .

Jk : yaaa I know it yn.(This is the reason ur phone rang)

D min : whatt ynnnn.

Jk : uncle yess yn did this to me .

D min : ynnn butt . What's her

Jk : yess iknoww . She is a good actress and she did this to mee. Uncle she is spoiles kid .

D.min : noo jkk . Ur grandparents told me she is good girl but really. She did this to you.

Jk : yess uncle . Don't worry now it's time to show her what jungkook means. I will teach her a good lesson .

D. Min : But she is ur wife don't act too cold jk .

Jk : wifeeee.. noo uncle. She is just my responsibility .I just promised her grandparents . Noww she crossed her limits's time to show her what jungkook is.

D. Min: Take these medicines and rest well. It will be alright.

Jk : Byee uncle . Take care

Armiessss now whatt. Jkkkkkk willdoo

Imagine ynss future 🙃🙃🙃🙃

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