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The next day, Troye's mood was back to normal again, and it was funny to Connor; how the boy could go from helplessly trembling with tears one day, to smiling and laughing along with everyone the next - but none of that mattered - he was just happy to see Troye smiling again .

Troye's smile was the most captivating thing Connor had ever seen. It was one of those smiles that didn't just happen with this mouth, but his whole face - his eyes lit up, his nose twitched and he just radiated happiness. It was the kind of smile that was contagious, that made Connor want to smile...and oh fuck, he was over-analysing and over-thinking and being cheesy and everything he promised to himself he wouldn't be, but he couldn't help it.

He knew he thought about the boy too much - way too much - but he hadn't actually thought about what his new-found feelings actually meant for him. Because he liked Troye, and Troye was a boy...

and that meant Connor was gay.

He knew it shouldn't matter, but to his dad it did. Just the thought of his father's reaction made Connor feel physically sick. He would be so angry, so furious, so ashamed...and he couldn't think of anything worse. Connor's whole life had been spent trying to impress his dad and the fact that all of that could come tumbling down from two words was overwhelming, to say the least.

But as much as telling his dad was his worst nightmare, he knew that being with Troye was his wildest dream and deep down, he knew he'd rather experience both than neither.

a/n i apologise for the very short filler chapter but i've been SO busy with exams and so yeah, expect good (or better haha) things in the future when my exam filled weeks are over! have a lovely day too :)

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