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Dear Stephen,

I was grade 7.

I had a glimpse of the great... you.

You smiled at the students wearing a sash that says "Student Volunteer". I was a kid. Who... for the first time in forever felt my heart shake and hurt with so much emotions just by looking at you. The emotions was as hard to contain as how hard it is to deny that you fluttered every piece of me at first glance.

I had a glimpse of happiness and hope in your sweet eyes, and had a glance of my own future, happiness, and life. I was young, young enough to know that it was a puppy love, a love not to last long... a love not permanent. I knew that it was young, and wild, and unserious. Yet despite that, I can't help but notice the young man in you.

We were Grade 8.

The friendship grew stronger. As the friendship grew, the love grew with it. Love became more eager, but I valued all of our memory so much that I was disregarding the fact that it wasn't puppy love anymore. Sure it felt more wild, but it grew more serious. Every eye contact, every interactions, everything about you and in between started to become more real.

Grade 9.

It was the time where I grew up, and you did so too. We both become more mature and aware of every happenings in the world. Surely this was where I started becoming more of a playgirl, not knowing that I was only playing because I wanted your attention so bad. I wanted you to see who I have become in the past years, and that... I wanted you to see me as someone you can consider... loving. Not just as friends, something beyond that, something... more.

It grew more the whole junior high. As we soar higher for our dreams... Law and Arts, it became more evident... our untold feelings. How my young self wouldn't believe if I told her that in Senior high... she confessed, and wasn't rejected. How I wish my younger self would have known that many more untold truth about my real feelings for you was the reason why this was writen.

We hid so much in our life and because of it at some points of our love, we lost each other... but it did not stop us from loving again, finding each other again, and holding unto each other again. We kept on hiding even from our own bestfriend, how we actually felt.

I know eventually the truth will come out. The world will know that there is an untold love in this world shared by a passionate young lawyer, and an artist barely living. There was an untold love writen in the rules of the world, and there is a love painted in the masterpiece of life. Eventually all of our love that was contained for years and years will burst for the world to know, to feel, and to understand.

Eventually our untold love... will be told.

And the world will realize that me and you have loved one another for many many years without being heard, but will be heard... in the right time.

Now... we are heard.

This letter is written years after I met the love of my life, you. Written to profess that after many years of playing, hurt and unseriousness, I ended up loving and embracing my man... My Stephen... until eventually, we tied the knot. Now professed our love to him who listened and kept us patient all those years.

Dearest Love... My husband.

This is the beginning of what our love is... and the start of the chapter, where it's it each of us for one another, and one against the world.

I love you.



Beginning to Fall (The Untold Love Trilogy #1)Where stories live. Discover now