Chapter 1

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𝒜𝓊𝑔𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝟤𝓃𝒹 𝟣𝟫𝟩𝟨

"JAMES GET BACK HERE!!" You screamed as you chased your twin brother, James around the house.  "GIVE MY GLASSES BACK I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING". It was the middle of summer holidays away from Hogwarts and James had been annoying the shit out of you. You had just woken up from bed when James took your glasses and ran around.

"YOU ARE REALLY, REALLY LUCKY THAT WE ARE STILL UNDERAGED OR ELSE I WOULD HAVE HEXED YOU BEFORE YOU KNOW IT!" You yelled trying to reach for your glasses from James hands but sadly, James was taller than you so he just put your glasses on top of his head.

"No my dear twin sister. Why do you even need them? You can see absolutely clear without them right?" James smirked. " Oh my dear twin brother. How would you feel if I took your glasses?" You gave him an identical smirk and jumped to reach his head to retrieve your glasses. 

"James! Y/N! Come down, breakfast is ready" Fleamont, your father called you both for breakfast and James rushed to the dining room at the word breakfast. "I'll be down in a minute just need to change my clothes." You looked down at your state, still annoyed that James had took your glasses and made you chase around him at nine in the morning.


The four of you were sitting at the dining table, talking to each other and cracking jokes. Your mother, Euphemia had made pancakes so obviously James had been stuffing his mouth. "Has any of your friends sent any letters recently?" Your father asked while reading the daily prophet. "Yeah. Peter said he was really excited to celebrate his sixteenth birthday. Remus said he was alright and was gonna come to our house with Peter, but Sirius hasn't sent any letters and it is the middle of summer holidays. He always sends it in the first week of holidays." James looked worried and continued eating his food.

"Relax dear. He will write soon. I am sure." Your Mother assured James.


You sat on your desk, staring at the ceiling when suddenly the family owl (Dean) came through your room window with a letter tied around its claw and sat on your desk. You reached out to untie the letter and started reading it. You understood that it was from lily by the neat handwriting in red saying "Don't open it if you are James or I will hex you! You have been warned"

Classic Lily. You thought and opened the wax seal to read the letter

"Dear Y/N!

I really miss you and I hope you are doing well! Well I can't say the same about my place... Petunia isn't living with us anymore. She found a job and even found a house to stay. Mom and Dad invited her over for dinner to celebrate but Petunia didn't even look at me....

I really hate that she acts like this. I just wish Hogwarts would open soon

Love, Lily"

"Soooo did she mention me?" James was standing behind you, looking over your shoulder to see the letter. At his voice, you could have sworn you jumped five feet in the air.

"James! You scared the hippogriff out of me! Don't do that again." " Sorry N/N." Your twin snickered.

"Merlin's beard" Your mother's voice echoed throughout the house from downstairs, followed by the crashing for few items hitting the floor. You and James shared a shocked look before bolting downstairs to the living room. 

"Mom! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" You were shocked to see your mother shouting. "I'm fine darling" Your mother assured you. "It's just that we got a unexpected visitor"

"SIRIUS!!" James darted towards the boy near the fireplace carrying two suitcases. James grabbed Sirius into a tight embrace. You had noticed that his eyes were red and it looked like he was crying. You quickly rushed over to him and asked whether he was okay or not. 


"It's my cruel mother" Sirius was sitting on the couch surrounded by you, James and your parents. "She just lost it. I couldn't bear it anymore. She locked me up in my room and didn't even give me anything to eat. She didn't even let me send letters to you guys. Last night, she even used the cruciatus curse on me. Several times. That's when I knew I had to get out of there." Sirius looked exhausted and had eyebags. He turned to your parents and you caught tears forming in his eyes. " I know this is a lot to ask but can I please stay here with you guys for over the summer? Please? I have no idea where else to go"

Your mother looked at your father with a pleading look in her eyes, but your father had already agreed. You knew he would not let Sirius return to that awful place.

"Of course darling" Your mother stood up to give Sirius a hug. "You can stay here for as long as you want"

You looked over to James and gave him a slight smile. You both believed that this day would come where Sirius would stop bearing his mom. You were just happy that he was okay and nothing bad happened to him. You and James were always worried about Sirius especially during those time periods he wouldn't write. You even heard stories that Mrs. Black even threatened Sirius with the killing curse. A mother was supposed to love her child, not hate it.


Your Author,

Ezra White <3

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