a misunderstanding

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Haruki : hmm. Hello there cutie

Tanjiro :get away from me haruki

Haruki is mad with the word so he start hitting Tanjiro so bad that there many wound, haruki  grabbed kei was the last thing he past out.

But before that he sees another figure coming toward haruki and kei.

Tanjiro pov :

I woke up in some cave, the scent the smell, I remember it now, it was "his" cave. I tried to get up but I scream in pain because if the wound that haruki give me...

I then close my eyes as the pain still not gone, then I smell someone coming, it was "him" and kei, I could feel kei is put besides me,  I closed my eyes to wanting to see "his" face again.

'I know your awake '


'listen, I sorry for what I did I promise I won't do it again now please open your eyes and leans back so I treat the other wound'

I sigh and open my eyes to see his emerald eyes staring at me,  I lean back, he then start to treating my wound, for the entire time I just stared at kei that was beside me, holding his arms.

'it's all done now'
'.......... Please look at me... '
I ignored  his request, I then smell anger coming from him. I then closed my eyes preparing for it.......but it didn't happen.

As I bring kei next to me closer, he then pick me up bridal style.

'nakime '

Then we are in the infinity castle again, we went to his room and he put me in the futon. Then I see door open and it was Daki.

'wahhh I so sorry Tanjiro - kun!! '

"what? "
I said in my mind confuses


Daki pov

I got all the thing he likes on the paper, hmm I know I will prank inosuke by saying that Tanjiro doesn't like him.
I told inosuke exclatly that, then I hear nothing. I went to their room and there was nothing, they gone.

Few months gone by and I see inosuke, I ask him where is Tanjiro and he explained all the thing he did, I telling him it's s joke and he is mad and devastated that he did all of those thing to Tanjiro even though he did nothing wrong .

End of flashback

'please go away Daki, me and Tanjiro had something to say to each other '

'of course '

As soon I leave I waiting on the hall then I heard a shouting, I want to see what was going on but it was they business not mine, so I just hoping nothing bad happened to those two.

Narrator pov:

Tanjiro is mad at inosuke for what he has done to him, and inosuke is mad at Tanjiro that he doesn't appreciate his help.

Tanjiro said he doesn't want inosuke help and that he would rather die than living a with him, that's sentence make inosuke mad so he grabbed kei.

Tanjiro tried to get him back but was by stop by inosuke vine , inosuke threatened that he will eat him a the baby if he don't listen, with no choice Tanjiro agreed.

Inosuke smile and walk closer to Tanjiro and kisses his forehead, he released Tanjiro and tell him to sleep while he treating the wound, Tanjiro did.

Meanwhile with rengoku and Akaza

'a-ak-za '


'please stop -argg -'

'not until we have a baby! '

'arhhh, what a relevied , you okay love? '

'fuck you '

Chuckle 'you looked so cute when you're mad'

's-shut up! '

While walking back home someone grabbed by the hand to alleyway, a did something to rengoku.

A nine months later they had a baby ( rengoku give birth at the same time as Tanjiro ), few days later...

'Akaza, what wrong?'

'why? '

'why what? '

'why he has red eyes, neither two of us has red eye '

'Akaza i-'

'you cheated on me didn't you! '

'no I didn't! '

'then how do you explain the red eyes!! '


'what they have that I didn't to make you cheat on me? '


'is it because I a demon and there a human being!!'


'I have done everything to show you my love to you and this is how you repay it?! '

'Akaza i-'

Akaza then slapped rengoku really hard

'I don't want to see you or your baby ever again, by the tomorrow I want you two gone, if you don't then I eat the baby infront of you and then killed you '


With that Akaza vanish and left rengoku.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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