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When The Fallen Was Good And All The Primes Didn't Fought Each other.... there was an evil Knock Off Of A Prime Saying He Was Also A PRIME Everyone Underestimated HIM EVEN He Himself underestimated Him... But His Actual Worth Was Known When He Defeated MEGATRON In A Match And He Was Not Even Aware Of His True Powers Yet ! He Was CYCLONUS, He Later Found That He Will Be Much Stronger If He Fused His Body With DARK ENERGRON As A Reserch Of Shockwave Proved That CYCLONUS Was Made To Rule Over DARK ENERGRON As He Was Completely Immune To It... But he didn't knew that till now he was not any type of ordinary bot he was having rage energron inplace of normal energron... Before the war for Cybertron started MEGATRONUS (FALLEN) & NECROTRONUS were friends and and Megatron was Gladiator ! But he lost to Cyclonus he was left furious after that battle ! But later before the war cyclonus found dark energron ! And when he used it he nearly became a god himself. It was very difficult for everyone to stop him MEGATRONUS lost so all the primes but they didn't gave up NECROTRONUS came to save them as cyclonus was regenerating again and again he was immortal and can't be killed because of the unlimited regeneration power of DARK ENERGRON called THE WILL OF UNICRON. Everyone lost hopes of winning and cyclonus was Wining but when NECROTRONUS with the power of his TITAN CHARGES came cyclonus was defeated as Titan Charges Are able slow down the regeneration and all block the effects of Dark Energron. Cyclonus was defeated shortly after and they had seal him up into the Moon Of Saturn "TITAN" with the power of TITAN CHARGES away from Unicron as Unicron that was inside earth ! But all the prime came to knew that cyclonus was having a Matrix & That matrix was THE MATRIX OF CHAOS AND DARKNESS ! And the primes had looked over TITAN for long time being sure of that cyclonus will never escape but shortly after this everyone forgot about cyclonus and after some more time The Battle of Primes were fought in that NECROTRONUS Died & MEGATRONUS (Fallen) had turned evil & was defeated by other primes ! And than after some time the war for cybertron happened which destroyed Cybertron and We came to know about the allspark and then all the things shown from TF 1 to TF 5 happens..


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