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IN CHAPTER 4 WE HAVE SEEN But this chapter is not going to any where related to chapter 4, this chapter comes in a section of this stroy called
RED PAGES OF HISTORY... So it is no where related to chapter 4....


IN 2020.....


PRIME: So ? What next ? Do you have any idea To do Before something Happens so we have to Just Get up and investigate the place,

STEELBANE: i don't know but sometimes just killing time Can be really hard To be honest.

STORMREIGN( leader knight )- I will get All the guardian Knights To help us Let us go To Egypt and look What's going on.

DRAGONICUS: SERIOUSLY ?? Seriously ? Prime Just gave an suggestion and you will follow it right away,.

SKULLITRON: I mean We can prevent, Any Future threat, By This I mean It, Dragonicus cool down, You are always On Hot head mode,.

STORMREIGN- Yes, So It's final we are going to Egypt, Alright is There any doubt my Friends


( The knights replied )


Optimus- So this is the place we have Investigate ?, right ?....

STEELBANE- indeed it is....

Dragonicus- oh yeah But everything is just so quite., why are we even bothering about the place anyways ?

( After many hours )

Optimus Prime: (surveying the surroundings) We've combed through every inch of this place. There's no sign of the artifact or any clue about the threat.

STEELBANE: This doesn't make sense. The intel was solid. There should be something here.

DRAGONICUS: (scanning the area with advanced sensors) Optimus is right. It's as if the threat vanished into thin air.

SKULLITRON: it's totally random but do you Remember the time we all got tricked into thinking Quintessa was the great savior? Then we found out her plan was to dominate everyone. But now she's missing, and all these truces and laws imposed on the Transformers and Cybertronians, it's huge and annoying. But atleast it keeps us together. No matter Knights, Decepticons, or Autobots, we all seem to be one now.

STORMREIGN: (nodding solemnly) And we emerged stronger each time. It's how we settled our differences that made us unbeatable.Optimus Prime: The unity we forged is our greatest strength. Whatever's lurking here, we'll face it together.

DRAGONICUS: (suddenly detecting a faint energy signature) Wait, I'm picking up something. Over there, near the altar.

SKULLITRON: (approaching cautiously) Could it be...?

STEELBANE: (drawing his weapon) Stay alert, everyone. This might be what we've been looking for.The team cautiously approaches the altar, their resolve strengthened by their shared history of conflicts and resolutions. As they prepare to uncover the hidden threat, their bond as allies and comrades remains unshakable.Does this version fit what you were envisioning?...

The team cautiously approaches the altar, their resolve strengthened by their shared history of conflicts and resolutions. As they prepare to uncover the hidden threat, their bond as allies and comrades remains unshakable.

Location: Outside the ancient ruins in Egypt As the team steps out, the sky darkens. A mysterious black figure morphs into a beast with tentacles.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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