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A group of crewman standing at a jungle entrance. Camera zooms to Robert Muldoon armed with a shotgun. A crane brings forth a large metal container, which drives forward. An impressive-looking paddock enters viewed. People are shouting orders as the metal container comes forward.

Worker 1: Everybody, heads up! Heads up! Keep it clear! Stand back! Bring it forward. Come on! Slow it down!

Worker 2 (in spanish): Ándale! Si! Cuidado! A ver, tráiganla, tráiganla! Vamos con la segunda! (Hurry up! That's it! Careful! Come on, bring her in, bring her in! Let's do the second one now!)

Worker 3 (in spanish): Confirmada la segunda! (Second one confirmed!)

ISLA NUBLAR, 120 Miles West of Costa Rica.

POV of a strange creature purring and studies outside the cage

Robert Muldoon: Okay, pushing team move in there.

Workers shouting orders in Spanish, loading team approaches the cage, 'Empujen! Cuidado. Vamos, vamos! (Push! Careful. Let's go, go!)

Robert Muldoon: I want tasers on full charge!

Loading team grab the cage, a terrifying shriek frightens them away, the cage shakes for a bit

Robert Muldoon: Go on. Step back in.

Worker 4 (in spanish): Adelante, empujen! Empujen! (Let's go, push! Push!)

Robert Muldoon: And push!

Workers push the cage into the paddock entrance, until an electronic beep buzzes.

Robert Muldoon: We're locked. Loading team, step away. Gatekeeper.

Jophery climbs on top of the cage, the creature looks up and snarls.

Robert Muldoon: Jophery, raise the gate!

Jophery begins to raise the gate. The creature suddenly shrieks and rams the back of the cage, shoving the metal container backward and knocking Jophery to the ground. It begins pulling him into the cage. Muldoon grabs hold of him.

Robert Muldoon: Block the opening! Don't let her get out!

Worker 2: Somebody help him!

Robert Muldoon: Work her back!

The workers begin tasering the creature, which looks Muldoon in the eye.

Robert Muldoon: Shoot her! Shoot her!

Jophery groans, and the creature pulls him through Muldoon's grip. Gunfire is heard as the scene transits. The scene begins with anxious lawyer Donald Gennaro balancing his weight on a raft, being pulled onto land, he is very out of place here. The screen caption reads: Mano de Dios Amber Mine, Dominican Republic.

Juanito: (speaks spanish) "Apuesto mil pesos a que se cae" (I bet a thousand pesos he falls)

Donald Gennaro: Hola, Juanito!

Juanito: Hola, bienvenido. (Hello, welcome)

Gennaro: What's this I hear at the airport? Hammond's not even here?

Juanito: He sends his apologies.

Gennaro: We are facing a 20 million dollar lawsuit by the family of that worker, and you're telling me Hammond can't even be bothered to see me?

Juanito: He had to leave early. He wants to be with his daughter, she's getting a divorce.

Gennaro: Well I understand that. But we've been advised to deal with the situation now. The insurance company--

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