Restoring Power

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Grant, (Y/N), Lex, and Tim make their way through Jurassic Park. Far in the distance, there's another roar.

Lex: Are you hearing this?

Another roar can be heard.

Alan: Come on, you two. Come on, hurry up. Let's, uh, get up this tree.

Tim: Oh, no.

(Y/N): Fuck me. Grant a little help.

Grant: I gotta you. Come on, Tim, it's okay. Try up here.

(Y/N), Lex, Tim, and Grant climb the tree. Grant is behind, watching the other two while helping (Y/N) out.

Tim: (unhappy) Oh, man. I hate trees.

Lex: (briskly) They don't bother me!

Tim: (still unhappy) Oh, yeah, well, you weren't in the last one.

(Y/N): Not to mention that you didn't get a concussion. My head is fucking killing me.

The four can hear the hoots of the animals. Some are almost musical. Now, near the top of the tree, Grant, Lex and Tim sit on a flat place in the wood. (Y/N) stands off to the side as he looks over them. In front of them was a incredible view. They can see in all directions. It is clouded but still there's a lot of detail. Most striking of all are sauropod heads, at the end of long necks, that tower over the park.

(Y/N): It seems we made it to the Brontosaurus enclosure.

Alan: They're singing.

Alan moves to the branch (Y/N) was on. He hoots loudly, trying to imitate one of the calls. Immediately, two of the heads turn in their direction and hoot back.

Lex: Shh, shh! Don't let the monsters come over here!

Alan: They're not monsters, Lex. They're just animals. These are herbivores.

Tim: That means they only eat vegetables, but for you I think they'd make an exception.

(Y/N): (disapprovingly) Tim...

Lex: Oh, I hate the other kind.

Alan: The other kind of just... do what they do.

Grant finds a solid web of branch and settles himself in it, leaning back against the trunk of the tree, with a little room on either side of him. Lex and Tim nestle up next to him. Grant is surprised, but accepts it. Satisfied, they settle in for the night. But something in Alans pocket pinches him.

Alan: Ooh! Aah! What's that?

He winces and digs it out. It's the velociraptor claw he unearthed in Montana. He looks at it. The kids do as well.

Lex: What are you and Ellie gonna do now if you don't have to pick up dinosaur bones anymore?

Alan: I don't know, I guess I guess we'll just have to evolve too.

Tim: What do you call a blind dinosaur?

Grant: I don't know. What do you call a blind dinosaur?

Tim: Do-you-think-he-saurus.

Grant chuckles

Tim: What do you call a blind dinosaur's dog?

Grant: You got me.

Tim: A Do-you-think-he-saurus Rex.

Grant chuckles again.

Lex: What if the dinosaur comes back while we're all asleep?

(Y/N): I'll stay awake.

Lex: (skeptical) All night?

Both kids finally close their eyes.

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