T- Rex Breakout

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In the control room, Dennis is talking with the mate of the boat at the east dock.

Mate: There's nothing I can do. If the captain says we gotta go, we gotta go!

Nedry: No no, listen. You gotta give me some time. I did a test run on this thing, and it took me twenty minutes. I think I can push it to eighteen, but you gotta give me at least fifteen minutes. Just give me fifteen minutes.

Mate: No promises!

The mate hangs up the phone. Dennis looks nervous, realizing that it's now or never if he's going to pull this heist off. Hammond is idly looking at the mosquito-containing amber attached to his cane.

Arnold: Visitor vehicles are returning to the garage.

Hammond: So much for our first tour. Two no-shows and one sick Triceratops.

Arnold: It could have been worse, John... A lot worse.

Nedry: (trying desperately to sound casual and unassuming) Anybody want a soda or something? I'm going up to the machine. I'd thought I'd get somebody something. I've had only sweets and I'm gonna get something salty... Oh! I uh, finished debugging the phones. I was going to, uh, so I did. So I debugged the phones. And I thought maybe I should tell you that the system is going to be, um... uh... compiling for eighteen to twenty minutes. So some of the minor systems, they may go on or off for a while, but it's nothing to worry about, it's just a simple thing.

Dennis turns his attention to his computer's mouse, clicking the execute button. A lot of the windows on the screen clear away, and what remains is a one minute countdown. Dennis starts the countdown, grabs the can of shaving cream, then leaves. Back at the tour vehicles, Grant and Malcolm are in a car by themselves.

Grant: Do you have any kids?

Malcolm: Me? Oh, hell yeah. Three. I love kids. Anything at all can and does happen. Same with wives, for that matter.

Grant: You're married?

Malcolm: Occasionally. I'm always on the lookout for a future ex-Mrs. Malcolm. (Grant turns to him, Malcolm laughs slightly)

Back at the Visitor's Center, Dennis is waiting outside the door leading to the embryonic cold storage. He's watching his stopwatch carefully, as a security camera slowly turns to the door.

Nedry: Five... four... three... two... one...

The door clicks open, the security camera turns off just as it faces the door, and Dennis enters. Back in the control room, Arnold is about to light a cigarette, when a buzzing, then rhythmic beeping from his computer gets his attention. He turns towards it.

Arnold: That's odd.

Hammond: What?

Arnold: Door security systems are shutting down.

Hammond: Nedry said a few systems might go offline, didn't he?

In the cold storage, Dennis opens up the can of shaving cream, seeing the compartments inside. He opens the two embryo freezers, taking out one of each embryo and sticking it in the can. When he has one of each kind, he puts the can back together, closes the embryo freezers, and leaves.
Back in the cars, the interactive screen goes off. Grant and Malcolm don't notice.

Malcolm: By the way, Dr. Sattler... um, she's not, like, available, is she?

Grant: Why?

Malcolm: Yeah, I'm sorry. You two are...

Grant: Yeah.

The car suddenly jerks as it comes to a halt.

Grant: Hey, what'd I touch?

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