Eric Kirby

474 18 4

The group exits the rear of the lab building and finds itself in a large equipment yard. The call of the raptor is still audible as they head for the tree line. Now they moan is answered from distant jungle quarters. The responses quickly multiply. To the group's dismay, they soon find themselves virtually surrounded by raptor cries both distant and near. Grant looks around with amazement. It's vindication of his theory on raptor communication, but it couldn't come at a worse time. Responding to the growls, a herd of grazing hadrosaurs suddenly flees across the open space. Then, in the distance behind they heard a pack of Raptors emerges from the jungles, coming their way.

Grant: Head for the trees!

From the lab building, the raptor we left imprisoned now bursts out one of the doors and howls to the pack the same cry we heard in the lab. The raptor pack moves into the hunting formation. One alpha-male Raptor. slightly larger than the others, leads the charge up the middle. Grant risks a look back. But doesn't stop running.

Grant: THIS WAY!

In an effort to escape the oncoming raptors, Grant leads the group right into the stampeding heard of hadrosaurs. Suddenly, all is chaos. Hadrosaurs race past, splitting up the group. Letting the others get ahead of him, Grant looks back. Much to his dismay, the raptors are ignoring the hadrosaurs. Indeed, the pack weaves its way through the herd the raptors only want them. In the chaos of the stampede, everyone loses sight of each other. Up ahead, Billy trips and falls. As he rolls the strap on his camera bag breaks. He doesn't notice it's missing until he's already back on his feet and running. Amanda and Paul keep close to each other. Further back, Grant spots Billy's fallen camera back. He grabs it as he runs past. Looking back, Billy sees that Grant now has his back...

Billy: ALAN!


They lose sight of each other in the rush. (Y/N) makes it towards the trees before everyone else as he heads deeper into the forest not looking back for anything or one. As the hadrosaurs whip past, Paul and Amanda climb up into a tree. A raptor leaps at Paul, barely missing his leg. Trying to pull Paul up, Amanda nearly loses her balance. This time, Paul catchers her. Billy climbs up a nearby tree of his own in sight of Paul and Amanda. Udesky has nearly reached a tree of his own when he finds himself headed off by a raptor. He turns to the other way, but finds there are more Raptors. He picks up a fallen branch as these dinosaurs cautiously approach. Not more than a few feet away, the leader of the trio stops, peering at him. Udesky swings hard, but the dinosaurs feints. From behind him, another raptor slashes at the back of his legs, severing his muscles. Udesky cries out and drops to the ground. In the treetops Paul, Amanda and Billy can hear him.

Paul: Udesky.

Amanda: He's this way.

From here, the thick branches overlap, forming a kind of "second floor" above the ground. It's not easy, but you can move from branch to branch, tree to tree. On the floor Unable to walk, Udesky attempts to crawl away from the animals. The effort clearly causes him great pain. Strangely, the raptors suddenly don't seem interested in him anymore. Rather, they're "talking" among themselves. Udesky is amazed to find him self still alive. Suddenly, one of the raptors slashes at him again. But it's delicately not a mortal blow, just a very painful one. Udesky cries out, louder this time. In the trees Hearing the new cry, Paul, Amanda and Billy move faster, now finally seeing Udesky on the ground. He's face-down, barely moving but still moaning. The raptors are gone. In the lead, Amanda starts to climb down. But Paul grabs her, holds her back.

Paul: It's not safe.

Amanda: We have to help him.

Billy: He's right. A predator wouldn't leave a kill wounded.

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