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I don't know what to do. She just left. She left me with no answer and my thoughts tangled up. I want to help her. I don't want to see her suffer even if i don't know why. She used to wear colourful clothes, beautiful dresses, she looked like a princess. And now? She only wears baggy hoodies and barely wears any of her pretty dresses. I'm so worried. What is wrong? What is happening to my Metulj?
A few days passed by. No text. No call. Is she angry at me? Did i make her upset? I called her mother but she didn't answer my questions. What the fuck is happening? Did i do something wrong? Even her mother doesn't want to talk to me. I missed her so much i just wanted to hear her voice. I'm so worried. I'm freaking out! I want her to trust me again. She's not telling me the truth and i see that. That hurts the most. I thought we're mature enough but clearly we're not. I was sitting on my bed. My eyes were drowning but i wasn't crying. I wanted to bring up our colourful memories but i knew it would hurt even more. I was staring at the wall thinking of what i can do to force her to tell me the truth. I wanted to know. I'm her boyfriend. But without truth in our relationship i don't see our future. But without her i don't see my own future.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2023 ⏰

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Metulji // Bojan CvjetićaninWhere stories live. Discover now