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It was Monday, again. I can't wait for spring break to start. I walked into the school building and was met with Jiwoo. of course, she wouldn't stop, she never gives up till she gets what she wants.

 "Min," she called me. She used to call me 'Min' when we were friends. I turned to look at her slightly mad that she keeps showing up and won't leave me alone. 

"Please just hear me out," she said grabbing my wrist, looking at me with teary eyes. I almost gave in because she looked like she really needed to talk to me, But I know better than to talk to this witch.

I snatched my hand away and turned to walk to my locker to grab my books. "Please, j- just... be careful, and watch out." She said before leaving me alone. what did she mean by 'be careful' and 'Watch out?'


I don't have work today or for the next two weeks because they are renovating the cafe which is great because I was going to ask for the whole week off next week. But I got two weeks, Which is better. And I still get my pay. 

The whole day all I have been thinking of was what Jiwoo had said to me. What does she mean? what will happen? be careful of what? watch out from what? those questions were all I had been thinking about. 

I was walking alone when I heard a voice shout my name, which I was familiar with. I didn't even dare to look back I just kept thinking and thinking. "Minhye!" Seungmin caught up to me catching his breath. 

I stopped to look at him. "-yeah" I said in a weird voice which made Seungmin look at me weirdly. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah what do you mean" I replied "Well I have been calling your name but you kept walking," He frowned saying the last part. 

"A-ah yeah.. uhm sorry, just have some things on my mind" I said awkwardly, I don't know if I should tell Seungmin. I mean he never said anything to anyone about me and I trust him. 

"Care to share" He asked as we continued walking our way home. "Sure.. but let get home and change first." I said forming a small smile. 

Its been about a week and more since we became friends. We have gotten closer, we spend our free days together we even walk to and from school together. I have learnt to trust Seungmin and he trusts me. So I actually believe this friendship will grow and stay. 

We made it home Seungmin entered his house while I entered mine. He said he will come to my house after he showers and eats dinner. I also showered but I'm still eating my dinner while waiting for him to arrive. 

After about 30 minutes, the door bell rang. I got up from the couch and made my way to the door. He was fast, it hasn't been that long but he is already done? I looked through peephole but there was no one there. 

I got a bit frightened so I left the door and went back to the couch. Still confused as to who rand the bell. 


After another 30 minutes there was another ring. Maybe this time it was Seungmin. I went to the door, checked the peephole, and gladly this time it was Seungmin. I opened the door for him with a smile already plastered on my face. 

"Hi Minnie!" I hugged him. I don't know why I got so exited seeing him when I saw him about two hours ago. "Hey Minnie" He said back chuckling while hugging me back. 

Since we both have Min in our name, I guess Minnie is perfect for both of us to call each other that.

(tbh I don't know wtf in talking about)

"Wanna come in?" I questioned opening the door wider for him. "No I want to leave" he said sarcastically. I laughed at him comment before pushing him in the house. We both settled down onto the couch.

"Oh yeah, this envelope was at your door so I picked it up for you." he smiled giving me the envelope. Where could this have come from. I don't know anyone else but Seungmin, so who? 

I looked at the envelope thinking of people who could have sent it, but no one came to mind- unless... it was Jiwoo. Why would she send this to me? I clearly told her to leave me alone. 

"Uhm... Do you know who It's from?" Seungmin asked confused. I only shook my head "N-no. I don't have anymore family, so who could have sent this?" I said scared of opening the envelope. 

"I don't know but why don't we check to see if it has a name." Seungmin Suggested. I looked at the paper in my hand scared to open it, what could it be? It was just too mysterious. 

I think Seungmin noticed me in my state so he asked if I wanted him to open it for me. I decided that we should not open it, and I could just explain to him what had happened with the whole Jiwoo situation.

"N-no, don't worry. ill read it later." I said "okay... uhm well care to share what's been on your mind lately?" He asked turning his body to face me. "Yeah.. uhm, So you remember Jiwoo, right?" "Yeah the on-"

 I quickly cut him off before he could finish the sentence, I didn't want to be reminded of that and I think he noticed that.

"So this morning when we arrived at school and we separated to go to first block, she came to me and was trying to talk to me again, she kept pu-" he cut me off as if he was getting me back for cutting him off before.

"Wait- what do you mean she tried talking to you again" he said  emphasizing the word 'again'. He looked kind of pissed, maybe cause I didn't tell him. "One time when I going to school the week you were sick she came to my door, and tried to tell me something but I blew her off, and another time at the lockers too" I said in a low voice, afraid he would be disappointed or mad at me.

He pulled me into a hug with 'worry' written all over his face "Why didn't you say anything" his voice muffled. "Because I didn't think it was a big deal" I said stuffing my face in his chest. He broke the hug and looked me in the eyes. 

"What do you mean, not a big deal?" he said slightly raising his voice which shocked me. "Why are you getting so worked up?" I said slightly annoyed while raising my voice too. 

He pinched the bridge of his nose and took a deep breath. "I- I'm sorry... I'm just worried. you know you can trust me so you should have told me." He said in a low sweet voice. He grabbed my hands and looked me in the eyes before speaking again. 

"I'm here for you, we can tell each other everything. No secrets lies between us." he said pulling me into a hug. "I know, I'm sorry too. I just didn't want to be a burden to you. I didn't want to worry you." I said tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Don't say that. You are not and will never be a burden to me." he put his chin at the top of my head while hugging me. At this point, I was in tears. I was crying wetting his shirt. He broke the hug and spoke. 

"From now on, no more keeping secrets from each other. Okay? we tell each other everything." He said squeezing my hands, not too tight though. I wiped the tears from my now wet face and nodded. 


He pulled me into a hug again kissing the top of my head. "Lets open the note" I say sniffling. "Are you sure?" he asked breaking the hug. Why is he always the one breaking the hug. "Yeah" I said grabbing the note and opening it to read it. 


Ooooo what do you think the note says.... who do you think its from. anywaysss this chapter im actually very proud of. 

also can you guys comment I really wanna read your comments :<

byeeeee have a good night/day <3333

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