Trouble at the cap and Cascade kingdom

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"NO!" Sophia and peach shouts.

But it by then too late, bowser's airship blasted bomber bills, they destroyed the castle, and peach was horrified as much as the toad was.

But not only that, bowser chuckles as the evil king he was, holding his son who was clapping in joy from the destruction.

It feared Sophia to see bowser jr. was Turing into his dad.

Peach was horrified for what bowser did, then when she turns to him glaring.

She and Sophia hear the toads panicking when the koopas forced them onto another ship.

"No, bowser please don't hurt them" Sophia begged when she pulled on his arm.

"Not to worry Sophia, I'm just gathering some guest for our wedding"

"Wedding?" Peach snapped, "you destroyed my kingdom, crashed jungle wedding"

Bowser wasn't threatened, "this does not concern you peaches, I was only taking back what was rightfully mines"

"Don't think you're gonna get away with this, Mario and Luigi will stop you"

"Bwa ha ha ha" but bowser just laughed at her, "you really think that plumber and his brother is gonna stop me...guess again princess, take her and Sophia to her room, Time for my wedding with Sophia! Jealous, peach?!"

As they boarded his airship, Sophia looked down and peach wraps her around her for support and comfort.

"Don't worry I know your brothers are coming"

But peach just saw sadness in her eyes, "peach...Mario and Luigi are dead" she stutter as she broke down crying.

Peach gasped in horror, "no"

"I'm sorry" she sobbed.

Then when they were taken to her room, Sophia fell to the ground crying.

Peach bends down to hug her and tiara flies over and hugs her shoulders.

"I'm sorry Sophia, they were good brothers" peach says.

"What are we gonna do?" She asked peach hoping for answers.

"....I don't know" but princess peach didn't know what to do, she lost the universe greatest and only heroes.

"Oh Mario" Sophia cried.

Little did they know, Yoshi saw, "mama" he cried as he jumps on the airship.

But back with the Mario bros, they were taking a long walk to somewhere with two cap brothers.

They were already getting tired, "hey, how much longer" Mario asked.

"Not too far, it's right over to the kingdom next door" Cappy says.

"The Cascade Kingdom" his brother says.

"Oh great, now we gonna take a very long walk" Luigi says.

"Come on Luigi, think of Sophia" Mario reminded him who they are doing this for.

So Luigi sighs then he breaths while repeating: "do this for Sophia do this for Sophia do this for Sophia"

"Let's just hope that that over grown turtle hasn't down anything to her yet"

"Well can only thing that she's ok Mario"

"Yeah, I guess you're right"

But then Luigi pointed up in the sky, "Mario look"

They see a airship floating up above the top hat tower.

"Well that can't be good, let's go"

They ran, crossing a bridge then walk in the building and as they reach to the top, they looked around.

"Heh heh!"

Then they heard something, looking up was one of bowser's airship and in it, one of the broodals.

"Oh's them" Cappy says as his brother shakes, he lands on top of Luigi's head.

"Then?" Mario was puzzled when the ship flew towards them.

"Heh heh! Da boss warned me there'd be two fella widda mustache comin' along!" Topper says (voiced by Jonah hill)

"Guess we oughta introduce ourselves... We're da wedding planners for da happy couple. Dey call us..."

"da Broodals!" They s shouted.

"Mario I don't think they're friendly" Luigi shouts.

"They are the ones that helped attacked our kingdom and stole our sister" Cappy says.

"What have you done with our sister?" Mario shouts.

"That's not any of your concerns, point is We got dat treasure we needed, so we ain't got more business in dese parts. Of course, roughin' up goody-two-shoes meddlers WAS in da I guess we still got a little work to do!"

Topper jumps down, then stacks two copies of his hat atop his regular one before skipping towards Mario.

"AH!" Luigi and capotillo hide.

Topper throws his spiked hats at Mario, they circled around him.

"Psst, psst, Mario" he turns to see Cappy.

"Throw me at him, trust me"

Mario nodded, he takes Cappy, then he throws him at the spiked hats.

"Huh, ugh" topper was enraged then Mario  throws Cappy at him and jumps on top of his head.

"Ah!" Luigi panicked

He sees topper gets up, and throws his hat again, worried, Luigi gets in front of topper, throws capotillo, knocking the hats out of his hand.


Then he looks back to see Mario coming at him then he jumps on his face, knocking him out.


"Come on, let's go" Mario takes Cappy, puts him on his head and he turns into Mario's original tap, capotillo does the same to Luigi.

"Hang on sis, we're coming"Luigi says.

It was a long trip but they arrived to the Cascade Kingdom, they climbed mountains and Mario pulls Luigi up.

"Well, here it is" Cappy says.

But when they saw the ship, all they saw was: a busted and rusty airship shaped like a hat.

"Mario Luigi this is the odyssey" Cappy says.

"It's looking a bit more rough than I'd expected... Ah, no, it's just an older model. I'm certain it can still fly! Let's give it a shot, shall we? Just throw me on that globe there!" Mario throws Cappy at the globe but it doesn't start.

"Huh... Nothing's happening? Must be low on Power Moon energy...I wonder if we can find any around here."

"Moon power?" Mario asked.

"It's what can start this airship, let's see if we can find any"

Then Luigi starts to think, "does it look anything like this" he holds up the moon stone up.

"Yes, where did you get this?" Cappy asked as he takes it.

"Oh I found it when we crashed here"

"Is it enough" Mario asked.

"It's enough to get us to the next kingdom, let's go" Cappy puts the moon power inside the ship and it took off.

"Nice job Luigi" Mario pats his back.

"I'm just doing this for Sophia"

"Hang on Sophia, we're coming" Mario says as they get inside and head to the next kingdom.

The sand kingdom.

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