December 14 1989

17 1 0

Today I made a new friend.
Her name's Rory.
And she's a cat.
She's not a real person, yes I may of disappointed you, but I've already disappointed many so I don't really feel ashamed, quite proud , actually.
Anyways, remember when I hid in that alley between the drug store and the fish market? Apparently, she was there and has been following me around since, weird that I haven't noticed her or anything but I guess I'm always in my own world and trying to figure everything out and junk.
I finally noticed this sack of dirty fur when I went for a walk in the park and tripped over my own feet.
Klutz ,remember?
But while groaning in oh so much pain, she came up to me from the field and meowed softly.
I then noticed and didn't really acknowledge her until I sat on my bench and she jumped on.
She doesn't look that pretty. She has these big black eyes and has battered greyish fur. I bet she'd look nice with a nice bath and all.
I suppose she she's been kicked too since she limps in a certain way.
I named her Rory since I've always liked the name.
I know I'm not going to be able to keep her. Mom would freak out, saying how she's allergic to cats and other BS and Dad would just look me in the eyes and flat out say 'no' and turn back to what he was doing.
I don't know what I'll do with Rory.
I'm just gonna go to bed and overthink about it , like all my other problems. Night.


a/n yay! another diary entry!
Hope you guys liked it and don't forget to follow!

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