Chapter 10

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Waking up the night after drinking was never a pleasant feeling for Marisol as she hid under her covers from the sun. The light peaking through the curtains wasn't helping either as she tried to block them out by burying her head in a pillow. All was going smoothly until she attempted to turn her body but was thoroughly awakened at the fact that an arm kept her in place...and it wasn't hers. Trying to keep cool as she couldn't remember a bunch of last night besides catching dinner with Rafinha and then bar hopping all over, she tried to to remind herself what it is she  did or who.

Turning her head she came face to face with the Brazilian and it wasn't Neymar because sometime he would have unannounced sleepovers at her house. Groaning she smacked herself for doing what she assumed she did based on her naked state, knowing it would cause some scandal or drama within the world. Reaching for her phone she checked the time before realizing they had to be up for breakfast with the team as they were all invited to eat at this new restaurant opened. Slipping out of his arms she tried to discreetly make her way out while also simultaneously slipping on his shirt.

Padding downstairs she was eager to start her coffee pot knowing she would need it. She was just barley starting to relax and enjoy her cup of warmed goodness before she felt arms sneak around her waist making her eyes go wide. A kiss was placed on her neck as Rafinha stood behind her.

"Good morning beautiful" he murmured.

"Morning" slipping his arms off of her she got off her bar stool before putting her dish in the sink.

"There's coffee if you would like" she pointed to the coffee pot on the counter.

"Yeah thanks...uhm are we going to talk about last night" Raf made himself at home grabbing a mug before facing towards her.

"I actually think we should get ready for breakfast with the guys before we're late" she tried to avoid that conversation for now.

"Uhhh sure but can you drop me off at home so I can get ready" he was a little unsure about her answer but couldn't really disagree as she was already half way out the room.

"If you want to save time just stay here and shower in the guest room. I have some clothes of Neymar's here and you guys look about the same size" waking up late and all the time it would take to get ready would inevitably make them late so she was already rushing to get ready.

"Thanks" and with that they left the house silent with the occasional sound of footsteps and the water turning on.

While showering Marisol's head ran wild with what was currently happening in her life. She knew what she was doing wasn't wrong on any account as both her and Rafinha were single, but still it felt like a betrayal to herself. Everyone always said that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else but if that was the case why was she still thinking of Leo. It both thrilled and scared her to know his reaction of what occurred last night not to justify it or anything but she was sleeping with his teammate.

"Are you ready" it was quite a sunny day so Marisol opted for some casual shorts and a no sleeve shirt, of course accompanying that was a light cardigan in case she got cold.

"Are you ready" it was quite a sunny day so Marisol opted for some casual shorts and a no sleeve shirt, of course accompanying that was a light cardigan in case she got cold

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