Chapter 34

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Needless to say the dinner went absolutely fabulous between the two. It was spent with nothing but laughter and loving gazes. Nothing could affect their moods, not the paparazzi outside begging for the perfect shot and definitely not the star shocked faces they received from fellow diners.

"You don't want any dessert?!" Leo asked shocked that the woman who always wanted a sweet treat after dinner, didn't want anything from the endless dessert menu.

"Don't really feel like stuffing my face alone with whatever I get" eating always felt a bit more enjoyable when she had someone to share the goodness with someone. Food was definitely one of her love languages.

"Well I guess I can break the diet tonight for a piece" he said with a playful eye roll.

"Not just a piece, everything looks so good I think I'll get three to try" it's not like he or anyone could judge her, after all she worked out hard to eat the way she does.

"What am I going to do with you" laughing Leo took her words seriously and called over the waiter requesting one of every dessert they still had available.

"Right away sir" the waiter left with a little more pep in his step, Marisol already knew they were getting the best service after their dinner came out in less than 10 minutes.

"Leo that's too much" she didn't think he would take it that far.

"For you it's never too much" smiling at each other Leo made the move and connected their hands across the table, leaving the action out in the open for everyone to see.

With a cheesy grin on her face Marisol looked around the restaurant trying to avoid an even more obvious blush as she looked as red as a tomato. Looking around she noticed people make discreet glances their way but all the while they tried to not seem that nosy. Leo noticed her tense slightly when notching all the eyes on them, but quickly tried to ease her nerves with a small kiss to their intertwined hands and small talk. It seemed to work until the dessert came and she turned into an adorable puppy gushing over all the flavors and options.

"Leo you have to try this" she would say after biting into a new dessert and despite knowing Pep would kill him if he seen this, Leo opened his mouth and took the bite of sweetness anyways as it made his girl happy.

"I don't think I can finish this all" Marisol said with a mouthful of what seemed to be tiramisu.

"No one ever said you have to I'll have them pack it all up so you can take it home" it was amusing to him to see her practically have chipmunk cheeks from stuffing her face so much.

"Thanks while they do that I'm going to the lady's room" her lipstick had gotten smudged and was practically nonexistent by now.

Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek she made her way to the bathroom only now noticing how late it was. She was sure that come tomorrow she would regret eating all this stuff as it was her gym day. Opening the door she walked in and made her way to the mirror, grabbing her lipstick from her purse she made light work of the application and was quickly doing a once over before someone else walked in. Her stomach felt queasy after noticing who it was and she was sure it wasn't because of the food.

"Antonella" she greeted in a stale tone.

"Marisol" there was no form of tone in her voice but disgust which was different from her fake smiles.

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