Chpater 13

911 42 5

"Your not going to answer that call" her brother asked her as she sat watching him get tested before his race this Sunday.

"Nope" she bluntly said before looking around feeling eyes on her.

Turning around she was met by the sight of no one except the McLaren employees and other workers from the track. She was going to turn around and speak with her brother who looked like he was going to argue but was met with a jump scare.

"LANDO" clutching her heart at the mild panic attack, she also jumped to give him a hug.

"I knew I saw you around the track" Lando being the kid he is swung her in his arms.

"Muppet you could've said hi like a normal person" her reply was slightly muffled as her head was hurried between his neck but it was detectable enough.

"This way was better" receiving laugh from Carlos they both separated with one last smile.

"So what are you doing here I thought Carlos was mad for some stupid reason" ignoring the man who shouted in outrage, he turned to the lady next to him for a response.

"He was, but of course me being the better twin I came to apologize to the big baby" she slung an arm around him which he followed up by laying his arm around her waist.

"She sure did" he agreed finding no point in arguing.

"Carlos I hate to interrupt but they need you for testing" Carlos' assistant stated which earned a look of disappointment from him.

"Don't think you got yourself out of the previous conversation" now she would have to give her twin brother an excuse not wanting to add fire to their previous fight.

Waving him bye she turned to look at Lando who had an eyebrow raised at what his friend said. Of course him being nosy would want to know what was going on between his two close friend. It wasn't a secret that their most recent fight was long over due. It all started when Carlos was upset she wouldn't be attending more races this season as she was on a break from career. He felt that as his twin sister she would feel happy about traveling with him to races, but was left short handed as she would be staying in Barcelona.

It started a huge argument between the two as Marisol tried to defend her decision. She explained to him that Barca was just where most her friends were, along with the fact that her management was based there. The argument was still a mild one before Carlos mentioned that the only reason she was staying over there was for a certain Argentinian. After those words were said the fight was blown out of proportion and they stopped talking to each other for a whole month. It wasn't till the whole bar thing happened that Marisol took her brothers words into consideration and considered that maybe he was right.

"What did I miss" asked Lando.

"Long story that I would prefer to say on the way to the Mercedes cafeteria to meet Georgie" she had texted the other Brit to meet at their little cafe spot as she had been craving their one of a kind muffins.

"You texted him before me" he fainted hurt placing his hand on his heart.

"I tried to call you but you didn't answer" the other driver didn't seem to believe her until he pulled out his phone and seen the two missed calls.

"Oops" shrugging he went on with the walk.

"So what is the tea" the slang word coming out of his mouth made her laugh.

"Nothing just my nonexistent love life coming to bite me in the ass" her life seemed like a movie at times (more like a Wattpad story🫢).

"Leo?" assuming correctly he watched as her previous smile fell.

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