Chapter 26

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It's easy to say that the race didn't go completely terrible. Her brother had ended up in P4 much to Marisol's happiness but she couldn't shake the feeling that he wanted so much more than that. Unfortunately it seemed that he was always going to be out paced by the higher ups so with a heavy heart he stood by his family watching the podium take place. It didn't help that Lando DNF and was forced to end the race early.

"Hey will get them next year" Lando tried to encourage his teammate but was just given a heartbroken smile.

"Yeah I hope so" he just didn't know how to tell him that there was a chance that it could be on two different teams that they accomplish this.

Marisol was eavesdropping the entire conversation and couldn't help but feel a tug at her heartstrings at the sight before her. Carlos had confided in her about potentially making a move next year and was sworn to secrecy not to tell anyone, even to the boy they both considered a little brother. She just hoped that through this all, he knew what he was doing and wasn't going to make any mistakes.

"Lighten up hermano (brother)" Marisol try to uplift the mood and it slightly worked.

"Yeah come on Carlos just think we can forget about this all and get shitfaced tonight" that meaning that Lando being the weakest lightweight out of the three would be gone before the night ended.

"Whatever cabron" forcing there attention back to the ceremony happening she couldn't help but clap for Lewis as he had won it all.

"Does he get a victory kiss after this" Carlos joked much to Marisol's annoyance.

"Shut up" grunting her response out she turned once again and blocked him out.

"You know what while you guys finalize your work here I'm going to talk with my friends to see what time we're meeting at the club" without waiting for a response she turned and left not wanting to deal with there teasing anymore then she had to.

Of course despite not being the biggest fan of the Barca players, Carlos had hesitantly told her that it would be tolerable if they showed up to his arranged party. Thai was of course after Marisol's obvious display of puppy eyes and pleading deals. In the end she promised to attend a Madrid game with her brother in exchange for the invites.

"Marisol how great was that race huh?" Neymar asked her as she entered the room they sat in.

"Amazing it's always quite the show to see Carlos racing" even thought every time he did she would be left with a shaky breath until the race was over.

"Yeah congratulate him on P4 it's was a great run from him" Leo being the only other friend in the room also made polite comments and praised Carlos, despite the clear disgust the racer would give him every time he saw him.

"Thank you but I actually came to talk about what time you guys are getting at h to e club" she made sure not to be the first one to show up bro the latest.

"Probably around an hour after we don't want to impose more than we already have" that and sometimes when they went to the club more drama and stupid media lies would be made up.

"Ok so I'll make sure to get there like 30 minutes after" Marisol was positive by then it would be crowded so she could lie and say she arrived earlier and was just lost in the crowd.

"If you want you can just arrive with us" Leo offered.

"Thank you but I really don't want to give Carlos another reason to be mad" that and she didn't want to give the wrong image.

"Okay" he was going to argue but knew it was best not to after what had occurred the previous nights.


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