[Chapter One]

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Izuku and a couple other people are at a small bus station while its drizzling down raining, waiting for the bus to appear after a good twenty minutes of waiting for most of them. Its the middle of the day and Izuku has to get home to his mom before she starts to worry too much. Soon enough, Izuku saw a blue bus with bright lights coming his way, making him squint to avoid hurting his eyes. "Finally.." He says slightly agitated but relieved after waiting in the cold rain for a while. The bus stopped in front of them, splashing the water from the puddle onto only Izuku who was standing up closest. "Ah- MY.. clothes.." His face turned into a sad pouty face, staring down at his black sweatshirt with a green hoodless jacket, and his light grey sweatpants now turning dark grey. "Wahh.."

After the bus doors open, every starts walking past the depressended Izuku and onto the bus. Suddenly, Izuku heard a loud voice on the bus. It was a homeless looking man yelling at the bus driver, holding up the people behind him who were backing away from him, slightly covering their nose from what Izuku guessed was the smell the guy let off. Izuku felt bad for the guy but was more concerned on why he was yelling and holding everyone else out in the rain.

"B-but sir, you don't have enough money to get onto the bus-" 

"NO! You wont let me on because I look like this! Is that it? HAH!?" The old man yells stepping closer to the bus driver who pushed herself back into the driver seat, wiping her face from the spit the man spat on her, probably accidental.

Izuku then understood the situation as they kept going back and forth, then walking in front of the people still waiting outside, obviously annoyed and some leaving smart remarks. He stepped onto the bus step, tapping the guy on the shoulder softly, making the guy turn around looking angry. "Uhm sir, people here probably have things to do and it's not really nessecary to hold them up like that.." "Well tell that to this flemsy bus driver who wont let me on the bus because im a couple dollars off!!" "If money is the problem then I can pay for yo-"

"I DONT NEED YOUR CHARITY!! This bus driver is just being overly damic!" 

"Dramatic you mean?" Izuku was catching on that the guy was most likely drunk from the looks of it.

"BlAh blAH Shut up!" The old man says spitting some more but on Izukus face, offending him. 

The old man then turned back around to the bus driver who looked nervous but still visible annoyed. I mean she was just doing her job and she has to deal with some broke drunky. 

"Now. Either you let me on this bus and take me where I wanna go. Or everyone on here dies!" He suddenly pulled out a small gun, some sort of pistol. Everyone on the bus gasp loudly, some screaming. Izuku reacted quickly, not wasting a second to test his patience, grabbing the guys arms and pull them behind his back. 


Everyone screamed at the sound of a gunshot, and the people outside of the bus then backed away, some standing there recording. The gun shot missed Izukus foot by a inch if not less. He quickly grabbed the gun from the guy and pulled him off the bus, roughly throwing him on the ground. 

"Augh!-" The homeless looking guy then quickly got up, seemingly aiming to pin izuku down by his stomach, but Izuku predicted this and side kicked the man, tripping him. But he quickly got back up and ran to punch Izuku back in the face

"AHhHHHhH- Ooo." He was punched in the face again, starting to look dazed this time knocking him on the floor for good as he collapsed to the floor. Izuku catching his head before it hit the ground. 

It was silent.

Until he heard everyone cheering. Even the people in the cars passing by who were watching. "Wow that was cool!" A kid ran up to him "Ah... I just did what was right. Haha.." "But still! I wanna be just like you when I get like a big boy and then I can beat up the bad guys just like you!" 

"haha! You do you kid, I'm sure you'll be better then me one day. I mean it wasn't much." Izuku says smiling brightly, then seeing the kid looking at him blushing slightly. At this point everyone except for the kid and his parents who were looking down at Izuku who was squatting down at the kid. 

"But I have to go before my mom gets worried for me. Im sure your parents are busy too." 

"yeah...W-wait whats your name.?" 

"Izuku midoriya. Yours?"


"Well then Kota, I hope you have a good day!" Finally standing up and bowing to the kid who returned the favor. Aswell with the parents who were staring at him. Then he walked off after smiling back at the kid whos face was now red.

Kotas eyes followed Izuku getting on the bus, walking down the bus isle, and him sitting next to the window then starting to look back at him and waving. He slowly waved back just admiring his beauty. Until the bus finally starts moving away. 

"Wow.. Mommy daddy! I want to have a girlfriend who looks just like Mr Izuku! Hes so pretty!" His parents look down at him, then back at each other having a nervous smily face. 

"Uh.. You be who you are baby.." His mom says nervously. His dad nodded agreeing with his wife.

[] eh

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