3. Denial, the step closest to improvement

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 Congratulations! You moved out of the stage of ignorance, now what? I guess we must move onto denial, a slightly imrpoved version of us after having already getting into the stage of ignorance. 

 The stage of denial seems like a fever dream at first. You recognise it, you are familiar with it, but you don't know why or how. Denial should be mentioned alongside with self awareness. For one, I know I don't have much of it, though I also know I need self awareness, just like we all need it.

 Self awareness has been a thing for a long time, even Socrates mentioned self awareness. To quote the philosopher himself: "The only thing I know, is that I know nothing". Socrates points out that the first thing one must know about all wisdom, is that one must know themselves first to know other things.

 Back to denial since we went a little bit out of subject. Denial is basically acknowledging what you have been ignoring all along, but also denying the fact that you have been ignorince a problem. With all that, denial still doesn't mean you'll do something to solve the problem you've been ignoring.

 After some time, you are obligated to get out of the denial phase, like it or not, it's just what naturaly occurs after not doing anything, for your own good you will eventually realize that ignoring the way to solutions, is not going to help you at all, not just you but everyone who interacts with you on a daily basis. The next stage you're goin to is the stage of realization, you are getting one step closer to lifting the weight off your shoulders.

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