Chapter 7

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Celeste Point Of View

My boy fwiend.” I responded and smiled.

I remember the cute kid that complimented my physical traits while I was still one month old.

Leon, his actually turning seven soon. He reminded me so much of uncle Zander, their both noisy and slightly annoying.

‘Siguro pag pinagsama mo silang dalawa aakalain mo na mag ama sila dahil parehas silang maingay at pikon.

What did you just say Richendra?” papa questioned. I turned my gaze back to him and gulped.

He only calls me Richendra when he's mad but he never got mad at me before. Well except that one time when I got really sick because I played around the garden while the rain was pouring heavily. He was so mad that he almost fired all the servants including Mila for not taking very good care of me.

My boy fwiend?I repeated back confused of the sudden change of atmosphere. I gulped again for the second and third time.

His eyes were getting narrowed, full of anger and confusion. His jaw was also clenched and his face was turning red.

Awe you alwight papa, yow face is wed.” I worriedly asked and touched his face.

“You can't have a boyfriend Celeste, not until you turned fifty.” I shook my head in confusion. I pouted and cross my arms around my chest.

Why not? I questioned back and gave him a hard stare

I think what Celeste meant was that she remembered Zander on one of her friends who is clearly a boy.” Uncle Lucien clarified.

I felt the atmosphere going back to normal. I saw my father massage his head gently and sighed loudly.

Why uncle Lucien did papa misundewstood the words I just said and thought of a diffewent meaning instead? If he did, then what did he mean about me not having a boyfwiend until I tuwned fifty.” I asked and patiently waited for him to answer. I saw his lips parted and later turned to a mischievous smile.

You're too young to understand my little devil. Although your papa has a point, you're allowed to date anyone until you turn sixty. he added and pinched my nose, diba fifty yun? Bakit naging sixty.

Woah calm down you two, let the child be. You see peanut what uncle Lucien meant was your not gonna have a boyfriend until i-we torture I mean meet the guy first.” uncle Zander explained more clearly this time.

Come here lady bug don't mind them and sit on my lap so you can rest.” uncle Zack interrupted and gently tapped his lap, before I could even say a sentence, papa already wrapped his arms around my small waist.

Make your own child Zachary and stop bothering my daughter, pinaghirapan ko to, gumawa ka ng sayo.” papa hissed making uncle Zach frowned.

Unlike uncle Zach, uncle Zander and uncle Lucien burst laughing while clutching their stomachs. Mangha kung tinitigan si papa ng marinig ko siyang mag tagalog.

Ngayon ko lang siya narinig mag salita ng tagalog although truth be told medyo deep at may pagka-slang nga lang ang boses niya halatang hindi talaga sanay magtagalog.

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